6 Magic Mushrooms Trip Levels You Should Know About

Magic Mushrooms Trip Levels You Should Know About

Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, are kinds of fungi that are mostly consumed for the hallucination effects that they contain. The plants occur naturally in the environment, and they are found in a group of drugs called psychedelics. They are associated with some changes which are experienced in the way one thinks, feels, and even the manner in which one perceives things. The main content in these magic mushrooms is psilocybin. When taken into the body, it is converted into psilocin. It is a chemical in nature containing psychoactive properties. There are generally six magic mushroom trip levels one must know. These levels are a manner of describing your trip and its intensity. For instance, level-one is said to be a low-level trip, and level five is a high-level trip. These levels depend on the percentage concentration of psilocybin. This blog article talks about the six magic mushroom trip levels you should know about. Mushroom dosage below is a general suggestion as effects will vary from person to person depending on your weight and experience with shrooms. It usually takes around 10-30 minutes before you’ll notice effects after consuming dried shrooms and can last up to 4-6 hours.


Trip Level 0: Microdosing

The first magic mushroom trip level is called Microdosing. Under this level, a sub-perceptional dose of the drug is integrated into your body. It induces your body to show creativity to a higher degree. It accelerates energy quantity, improves focus, besides improving your relational skills. Mushroom microdose is when you take a very low shrooms dosage of psilocybin or psilocin mushrooms, so low in fact that won’t feel any of the full-body effects but you will still unlock the potential of your mind. You should take in a required dosage, which is usually 0.1- 0.5 grams. Microdosing mushrooms of this substance can treat alcohol as well as tobacco dependence, apart from curing end-of-life anxiety.


Trip Level 1: Happy Go Lucky (Mini-Dose)

Happy go lucky is the second trip level. This level comes with feelings that may be positive since the connections of the cerebral hemisphere alter. It may be followed by music becoming deeper and colors turning brighter. This makes your environment and settings tangible since your senses open up. At this trip level, you become honest not only with yourself but also to your friends or people around you. You are needed to take in about 0.75 – 1 grams of dried mushrooms and do not overdose.


Trip Level 2: Beginner’s Paradise (Museum Dose)

Trip level two is usually referred to as Beginner’s Paradise. This level comes with hallucinogenic feelings, which makes you see objects moving and coming to life along with geometrical forms when you close your eyes. This level makes you feel and see non-living things or objects “breathing.” It may become difficult to concentrate and communicate. Your creativity level is also increased. The recommended quantity is about 1 – 1.5 grams of dried shrooms.


Trip Level 3: Classic Psychedelic Trip (Moderate Dose)

There is another magic mushroom trip level called classic psychedelic trip or moderate dose. At this level, 1.5 – 2.5 grams of dried mushrooms is taken in. All things around you look and seem changed or distorted. Sometimes you can see patterns on walls, faces, objects, among other things. You no longer see subtle flashes. It feels it’s happening in real. This trip level is best taken in safe settings and the environment with your close comrades, and it enables you to make fun memories.


Trip Level 4: Flying with the Stars

The second last trip level is level four. It is called “flying with the stars.” At this stage, very great hallucinogenic feelings engulf you. Sometimes you may find yourself in a virtual world as there is no reality because, at this phase, you lose it. Your mind expands, and you find life changed and altered. Things start morphing. This mushroom dosage is taken but only with ones who have great experiences. Besides the above experiences at this level, you cannot comprehend time since it loses meaning to you. You need to take the right dose at this level too. The recommended quantity is about 3 – 4 grams of dried shrooms.


Trip Level 5: Total Loss (Mega Dose)

Lastly, level five is known as the level of “total loss or mega dose.” The right shrooms dosage is 5 grams or more of dried mushrooms. At this stage or trip level, one loses complete connection with reality. It becomes very difficult to understand or explain. There are many more hallucinations than all of the earlier trip levels. The real universe stops to exist. Time and space are highly distorted. There is no logic at any point to you at this phase. You even go to the extent of losing your identity. Your body senses do not work normally. This trip level five, just like trip level four, is best for people with high experience with shrooms.



In conclusion, the magic mushroom trip levels above have different features. Each is associated with its own unique experience. It is upon you to know and decide what you require and go for the best trip level that fits your needs. Get to commemorate each of the magic mushroom trip levels thoroughly before you venture into using the same. By doing that, you will manage to overcome any negative effects that may occur due to the intake of wrong dosage.


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MagicMushroomsDispensary.ca is Canada’s most trustworthy & top rated online shrooms dispensary. Our #1 priority is to deliver top quality products at reasonable prices in a discreet and safe manner. Click Shop Online to buy.

Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms – Everything You Need to Know

Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms

Research shows that Golden Teachers Magic Mushrooms have been in existence for a long time. From the scientific context, the naming of an organism follows the characteristics of that organism. The same has been articulated in the naming of this mushroom. It is described to be have wide shining gold yellow caps. More so, a combination of the wise teaching associated with these mushrooms is the reason behind its naming. Golden Teacher shrooms have a long history of being associated with self-discovery and spiritual experiences.

It is important to note that the Golden Teacher magic mushroom strain has been considered a favorite of cultivators for years. The consideration of this take comes from the fact that the mushroom glows in great flushes. This reason alone makes cultivator love them more. On the other hand, psychonauts also love Golden Teacher mushrooms because the psychedelic journey of the shroom is considered to have a more profound impact. The mushroom strain is a psilocybe cubensis, a psychedelic mushroom species. There are many active elements in the Golden Teacher magic mushroom, but the most active elements are psilocin and psilocybin. Additionally, the P. Cubensis species can prove to be the most well-known psilocybin mushroom; the reason behind this is that their distribution is wide because of it’s popularity and the easier capability to cultivate them.



There is some historical linkage that is connected to Golden Teacher shrooms. They are said to be the origin explainer of magic mushrooms. To start with, some people believe that the mushroom was first found growing in Florida; this was the first appearance in the mid-1980s. The story spread fast, especially following the golden cap’s prevalence that had yellow speckles on top of it. Compared with other known species, the Golden Teacher shroom is said to be more elegant and large in appearance. Another relation of origin of the Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom speculates that the Golden Mushroom was a Hawaiian PES that was renamed by a glower from Dutch.



Characteristics drive an organism’s specialty; there exist characteristics that make the Golden Teacher Mushroom. It is indicated that after the first flush, the mushroom is medium-sized. Later the flushes increase their sizes of caps and fatness too. The cap usually measures 5 cm in diameter with a pretty plane after the establishment of growth to the fullest. Another critical characteristic of Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom is that their fruiting is relatively slower than other Psilocybe Cubensis. Though it should be noted that the slow fruiting of the Golden Teacher mushroom derives another characteristic of their ability to grow in less optimal conditions, this condition makes them become the most favorite species, especially for first-time growers.


How Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms Can Be Used

The growth of Golden Teacher mushrooms demands special technical education for optimization of yield. Generally, there are two primary ways of growing magic mushrooms. The first option is by the use of the Golden Teacher Mushroom grow kit. The method is most preferred when the cultivators have an idea of having fast and easy growth. In this option of cultivation, the cultivator is not subjective to yield optimization. The second method of cultivation includes the cultivator who is willing to customize the cultivation process that aims to optimize the yield output. The method involved is Golden Teacher spores.

The most interesting fact about Golden Teacher mushrooms, they are perfect deliverers of mildly psychedelic effect. This acts as the gateway for the newbie mushroom. Also, their shamanistic properties are great contributors to their popularity. A common dose is between 1 grams to 2.5 grams, or 2.5 grams to 5 grams for a strong dose. A shrooms dosage calculator is found in EROWID’s dosage calculator.


Common Problems

Studies indicate that while magic mushrooms are mainly seen as a peaceful high, the shrooms have been found to induce frightening hallucinations, anxiety, confusion, and paranoia. Research further states that most of those admitted to hospitals (very rare) concerning the use of magic mushrooms are linked to what is said to be a colloquially bad trip. Its use can cause emotional and mental problems. Most adolescents take it combined with other drugs and alcohol, increasing physical and psychological use.

It can be hard to identify the intensity, length, and “trip” type one will experience. This is because the amount of psilocin and psilocybin in any magic mushroom is not known. The research argues that consuming magic mushroom can lead to a mild trip, making the user feel drowsy to an experience which is frightening characterized by panic, delusions, and hallucinations. Additionally, convulsions can result in the worst scenario of magic mushroom consumption.

Just because magic mushrooms have a long history of safe use where fatalities from overdoses are virtually unheard of, it doesn’t mean they can’t give you a bad experience. To enjoy and get the maximum benefits from psychedelics you must approach them with respect. Here are 10 mistakes a lot of newbies (and sometimes even experienced shroomers) make you’ll want to avoid.


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MagicMushroomsDispensary.ca is Canada’s most trustworthy & top rated online shrooms dispensary. Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms is the #1 best seller with over 800+ reviews from happy customers. Whether you’re experimenting with psychedelics, looking for a great trip or you’re ready to dive deeper in unlocking your mind, you can get high quality magic mushrooms from us. Click on Shop Online to buy.

Why Microdosing Mushrooms is Becoming Popular

Why Microdosing Mushrooms is Becoming Popular

Microdosing is taking a small dose of hallucinogens like psilocybin mushrooms and psilocin to improve a person’s mood, influence physical and mental stimulation, and motivate creative thinking. Microdosing was discovered when drug users shared the effects the hallucinogen had on them on the internet; hence medical practitioners were interested in its use. They held online community forums and participated in psychedelic information message boards to share their ideas. They did scientific tests with people who were microdosing to prove if the claims were right. After the tests, it was discovered that the chemical psilocybin bound to receptors for the neurotransmitters serotonin. The receptors involved in the brain areas control reflection, imagination, and the ability to evaluate ideas and feelings.

Most people claimed that when taken in small amounts, it made them feel more productive and focused on their work; hence they become more productive in what they do. Microdosing shrooms was used by people of all ages, from tech industry employees, middle-aged parents with kids to high-ranked corporate executives in renowned companies. It has been noted that taking small doses under a qualified doctor’s guidance could cure some psychological issues like anxiety and depression.

How It All Started

Microdosing first appeared in San Francisco almost a decade ago. In 2011 an American psychologist and writer by the name James Fadiman wrote The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide, introducing the word microdosing into popular culture. In the book, he recommended 10 micrograms of LSD every three days as the best dosage to get the right results. Fadiman immediately got a huge following across the US and around the world, prompting researchers to start studying psychedelic drugs.

Not that LSD hadn’t been tried before. In the ‘50s and ‘60s acid had been used to treat mood disorders like alcoholism and anxiety but was declared illegal in the US in 1968 as horror stories of users overdosing and having bad trips started surfacing. Consequently, research into its clinical use came to a standstill.

Decriminalization of Magic Mushrooms

To this day psychedelics like magic mushrooms remain illegal in most parts of the US, although several cities in the US like Denver and Oakland have moved to legalize them. In Canada, the magic mushrooms remain illegal except for medical purposes and scientific research, although it’s probably only a matter of time before its recreational use is decriminalized.

That’s because public opinion against soft drugs like cannabis is on the wane. In 2014 Pew Research Center did a survey showing that American attitudes towards drugs were fast-changing and that a new policy on drugs was needed. The survey showed that

  • The majority of respondents believed that U.S. drug policy needed to focus more on treatment than incarceration.
  • The number of respondents who thought marijuana should be legalized had gradually increased.
  • Most of those surveyed thought that mandatory drug sentences were not necessarily a good thing.
  • Three-quarters of the respondents thought people shouldn’t be jailed for possessing small amounts of cannabis.
  • The bulk of those surveyed believed that alcohol is more harmful than cannabis.

No surprise then that in October 2018 Canada legalized marijuana federally, becoming the first member of G7 states to do so, and was followed by the US. Given this turn of events, it’s only logical to expect that magic mushrooms and other beneficial psychedelics will be fully legalized in the not so far future.

Microdosing Benefits and Drawbacks

Findings presented by Researchers at the Beyond Psychedelics conference in Prague in June. (Source: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Microdosing Psychedelics)

Research Bodies Playing Catch-up

It wouldn’t be too far-fetched to say that research bodies are also going through a renaissance of sorts as far as psychedelics are concerned. There’s now more focus on hallucinogenic substances by renowned scientists than ever before with psilocybin leading the way as one of the most talked-about drugs in medical circles. The B.C. Centre on Substance Use, for example, has put together a team of reputable researchers with the intention of making Vancouver an important global player when it comes to researching mind-altering drugs used to treat addiction and mental disorders.

Further afield, Johns Hopkins Medicine armed with $17 million in donations, is set to launch the Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research. The center intends to investigate the feasibility of using psychedelic chemicals such as LSD, psilocybin, and ketamine in the management of mental health illnesses especially Alzheimer’s, PTSD and anorexia nervosa, as well as opioid addiction and alcohol abuse. This follows the opening of Imperial College London’s psychedelic treatment center in the UK in April 2019.

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University have also endorsed the reclassification of psilocybin from a class I drug in the US to pave the way for its use in treating depression.

The Many Health Benefits of Microdosing Mushrooms

Microdosing mushrooms is becoming very popular because people depend on small doses of psychedelics to live normal lives trying to escape reality and the stressful daily hustle. People microdose because it gives them a sense of courage, makes them more empathetic because they can relate with other people freely, the numerous positive effects it has on them, and how it improved their lives. Shrooms is micro-dosed by college students because it helps make their minds more alert; thus, they can study for their exams and think critically. Research has shown that psilocybin have the potential to treat alcohol and tobacco addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder because they make a person feel less worried about what is around them. Psilocybin mushrooms given in large doses provides relief from serious chronic psychiatric conditions because hallucinogens tamper with an individual’s senses.

Microdosing improves a person’s moods; hence they become positive about life; they are more emotional and can receive spiritual insights. Focus on what a person does is improved as a person concentrates more, is more attentive, is more open-minded, creative, and engages with people easily. Hence, it improves social life. Self-efficacy is improved as it increases confidence, self-care, and helps a person be more aware of living healthy. Hallucinogens make a person more alert and active. Also, it brings out a sense of empathy, connection with other people, and the need to talk to other people. It enhances senses, cardiovascular persistence, quality sleep, and reduces headaches.

Microdosing is becoming very common because it is used by young people who are in college to study for their exams for it makes them more attentive. In contrast, older people use it to feel more relaxed because it gives a person a positive mindset. Also, it makes someone feel confident and boosts their social life. The effects on the body are caused by psilocybin bounding to neurotransmitters serotonin. Serotonin receptors are used in some parts of the brain to control the ability to think and imagine, which makes the mind more alert as it helps people concentrate more, be open-minded and creative.

A person’s self-efficacy is improved because they feel more confident in themselves and are aware of their body’s value, thus opt to eat healthy foods. Also, it helps people live hygienically as they fear that they may get sick. Magic Mushrooms helps people become more empathetic and emotional; thus, they easily connect with others. Also, it reduces headaches, gives a feeling of relaxation, and improves sleep. Huge doses give relief to severe chronic psychiatric disorders because they affect a person’s senses.

How to Microdose Mushrooms?

Dr. Fadiman recommends taking one microdose every 3 days to prevent changes of tolerance over time. Take 1 microdose pill (Ie. Spore Wellness or Neuro Botanicals) each morning with breakfast. Try that for a couple weeks or a month.

If you find that Dr. Fadiman’s approach is not providing the desired effects, try the following method. Similar to Dr. Fadiman’s approach but instead of every 3 days, microdose every other day. Microdoses are taken 3-4 times per week. Take 1 microdose pill (Ie. Spore Wellness or Neuro Botanicals) each morning with breakfast.

There’s also the Workaholic’s Approach. This plan is geared towards individuals looking for high performance at work and creative fields. We recommend this approach to be used after having tried Dr. Fadiman’s approach. This method requires a daily microdose during the week and weekends are left open for recovery to baseline, in case of changes in effect over time. Take 1 microdose pill (Ie. Spore Wellness or Neuro Botanicals) each morning with breakfast.

Canada’s Online Magic Mushrooms Dispensary

Buy high quality Magic Mushrooms from magicmushroomsdispensary.ca. Magic Mushroom Dispensary offers many popular brands of microdose products like Spore Wellness, Neuro Botanicals, Jeanneret Botanical, INfinite Rx, and NOOT. Every purchase comes in discreet and sealed packaging for your privacy. The shipping is fast and delivery is guaranteed.

5 Reasons to Buy Magic Mushrooms Online in Canada

5 Reasons to Buy Magic Mushroom Online in Canada

Magic mushrooms, also known as Psilocybin mushrooms, are among a group of fungi which is comprised of psilocin and psilocybin. It has several health benefits. They are mostly found in Central and South America. When consumed, they affect the brain’s prefrontal cortex, which plays a vital role in mood and perception. This part regulates abstract thinking and thought analysis. Magic mushrooms are also known for holistic healing. They are also used as natural supplements to alleviate symptoms of chronic pain, depression, and other medical applications. Due to these mushrooms’ medical properties, people have become aware of their many benefits, and online shops that specialize in magic mushrooms have now grown increasingly popular. This article shares reasons to buy magic mushrooms online.

#1. Convenience

First, it is convenient because you can easily pick several products and add them to your cart with just a few clicks. It is easy to search for what you want by searching for the items you want to shop. There are plenty of filters for convenience that enables one to easily search for what you want and get the shroom’s specific species. Not only that, delivery is done within a few days and therefore no delays. It also saves time – you can add a lot to your cart and therefore get larger quantities just at your home’s comfort. Purchasing these products one by one would consume a lot of time. Hence, buying it online in Canada is convenient.

#2. Best Rates

Online shopping offers the best rates. Purchasing magic mushrooms online enables one to purchase them at the desired price range as shops specialized in bringing them to you directly. Also, shopping online gives you adequate time to conduct research and compare the prices before finalizing and placing your order. You can look at different shrooms’ strains and compare the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Aside from that, purchasing mushrooms online also saves your anonymity. This keeps your purchase private, unlike going to buy physically, where people visit to make a purchase.

#3. Larger Variety of Products

Shopping online also gives you the advantage of accessing a wider variety of dried magic mushrooms, microdose products, and edibles without having to visit multiple stores in a day. Also, buying from quality stores ensures you get high-quality products at good rates that you would probably not get anywhere else.

#4. Saving Cost & Time

Shopping for magic mushrooms online saves transportation costs because online shopping does not include gas expenses. You can order several products and get them delivered to your doorstep within days and thus avoid transportation expenses. And remember, it’s safer to get your magic mushrooms online than to go and meet your ‘shrooms guy.’

#5. Available 24/7

Shopping magic mushrooms online gives you the advantage of getting to shop at any time you want since shopping is available 24-hours a day. This is not like in the stores because stores are only open during the daytime. One may not have adequate time to go to the stores during day time because of commitments. Online shopping is better because you don’t need to wait in queues. You need to add what you want to shop in the cart and proceed towards the checkout instead of waiting in long queues.

About MagicMushroomDispensary.ca

MagicMushroomsDispensary.ca is Canada’s most reputable & top rated online shrooms dispensary. We go through several steps to ensure that the products you receive are of the highest quality. We have high standards and only accept the best to display on our website. Every purchase comes in discreet and sealed packaging for your privacy. We provide fast shipping with tracking number and all orders are insured with 100% guaranteed delivery. Shop online today and enjoy the best shrooms in Canada!

Is it Safe to Mix Antidepressants with Psilocybin Mushrooms?

magic mushrooms antidepressants

Psilocybin is a highly effective chemical in treating depression is a pretty well-accepted fact around medical circles. Thanks to the positive results that clinical trials have yielded, Medical professionals are now embracing psychedelics as an alternative to treating depression and other mental health conditions.

The only problem is those who stand to gain most from this development are patients who are already on prescribed antidepressants. It’s a catch 22 situation because they can’t automatically switch to psilocybin – or other psychedelics, for that matter– without risking their mental health. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of information out there on how psychedelics affect people with a history of antidepressant use.

A lot of research still needs to be done to figure out how psychedelics interact with antidepressants, especially those that contain selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs happen to be the most widely prescribed antidepressants, making up almost 80% of the antidepressant market.

Serotonin Receptors – where it all happens

One thing we know for sure is that both SSRIs in antidepressants and psilocybin in magic mushrooms have an effect on serotonin receptors in our brain. Serotonin is a “feel-good” hormone that’s produced in our brain, which is responsible for our overall sense of well-being. By attaching to these receptors psilocybin alters brain function and elevates our mood when we consume shrooms.

SSRIs, on the other hand, increase the levels of serotonin in the brain when they block this hormone from being absorbed into the neurons. This means that when SSRIs and psilocybin meet in the brain there’s a chance that SSRIs could blunt the effect of psilocybin, making it difficult to treat depression.

There’s a second school of thought that says taking psilocybin mushrooms while on an SSRI antidepressant can lead to overstimulation of your brain due to a temporary surge in levels of serotonin there – a condition known as serotonin syndrome. Some psilocybin treatment retreats do not accept visitors who are on SSRI treatment, or any other prescription medicine, because of how seriously they consider this risk to be.

It’s also not clear whether tapering off antidepressants can restore the full effects of a psilocybin trip on patients receiving magic mushroom therapeutic treatment. Experts such as Dr. Julie Holland, a New York-based psychopharmacologist, feel that past use of SSRIs could still hinder the effectiveness of psychedelic-assisted treatment even years after the patient has stopped taking antidepressants.

What about other antidepressants?


Like SSRIs, Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) also act by boosting serotonin, although they also increase the levels of noradrenaline- a stress hormone – in the brain. There’s a good chance that SNRIs can have an overlapping effect when combined with psilocybin. However, there haven’t been any formal reports showing negative effects of taking SNRI in combination with psilocybin.

The opposite sometimes appears to be the case, with SNRIs seemingly reducing the effects of psychedelics. Nonetheless, SNRIs shouldn’t be mixed with psilocybin until there’s enough research to prove such a combination is harmless.


Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) is another category of antidepressants that’s sometimes used to treat anxiety disorders. They help boost the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, by preventing their breakdown. Considering that MAOIs alter the levels of serotonin in the brain, there’s a good chance that mixing them with psilocybin can result in negative effects like serotonin syndrome. It’s therefore best that the two are not mixed.


TCAs are Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) or Tetracyclic Antidepressants (TeCAs), another class of antidepressants that are less commonly used in the Western world. That’s because they’ve been overtaken by SSRI and SNRIs – the third generation antidepressants.

Again, TCAs and TeCAs work pretty much the same as SNRIs, where they increase serotonin and norepinephrine levels in the brain. But they’re also much less selective as to which receptors they work on, which makes mixing them with psilocybin very dangerous because of the numerous side effects they cause. SSRIs have also been reported to cause fatalities due to their effects on the heart, which only makes the case for not mixing them with psychedelics stronger. Also, the fact that Lithium is commonly administered in combination with TCAs, it’s not advisable to mix TCA based antidepressants with psychedelics as it can result in heart attacks or fatal seizures associated with Lithium.

Tapering off antidepressants to take psychedelics

For patients to experience the benefits of psychedelics they may need to taper off antidepressants. However, tapering off antidepressants can be risky and patients shouldn’t try it before consulting a qualified doctor. Stopping your antidepressant medication at once can lead to severe side effects like insomnia, fatigue, dizziness, irritability and even physical effects like diarrhea and flu-like symptoms. It can also evoke suicidal feelings; the long and short of it is that it’s probably not worth doing even when you consider the positive effects of a psychedelic trip.


Although psilocybin has been proven to be highly effective in treating depression and other mental issues, it’s not advisable to take psilocybin if you’re already on antidepressants. If you decide to go off antidepressants you should be really careful about how you do it and be sure to consult a qualified doctor to advise you on how to go about it.

About MagicMushroomDispensary.cc

We give Canadians access to premium psychedelic mushroom products that are safe to use and packaged discreetly for your privacy. Sign up today and try our high quality selection of magic mushrooms and microdose capsules.

10 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Tripping on Magic Mushrooms

10 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Tripping on Magic Mushrooms

Just because magic mushrooms have a long history of safe use where fatalities from overdoses are virtually unheard of, it doesn’t mean they can’t give you a bad experience. To enjoy and get the maximum benefits from psychedelics you must approach them with respect.

Here are 10 mistakes a lot of newbies (and sometimes even experienced shroomers) make you’ll want to avoid:


1.    Tripping in the Wrong Setting

The place where you choose to consume your magic mushrooms is just as important as the dosage itself. If you’re tripping in an uncontrolled environment without professional supervision then you must do everything in your power to ensure that all sources of discomfort, distraction, or commotion are eliminated. You’re also less likely to have a bad trip if you’re in a safe, familiar and comfortable place like your living room or bedroom. You might also find it helpful to adjust the lights and ensure the place isn’t too warm or too cold. Playing some soft background music can produce some positive vibes.


2.    Over-consuming, especially edibles

Deciding on how much shrooms you should you take and measuring the quantities, can be a tricky question.  Our favorite saying here at Magic Mushrooms Dispensary is it’s always better to err on the side of caution. If you’re unsure and inexperienced, start slowly with a microdose of, say, 0.5g and then refill once you reach the peak. 2 to 3 grams of dried mushrooms is considered a full trip dose, and you don’t want to do a full dose when it’s your first time because you may not be able to handle the mushroom’s potency. If you’re taking edibles like chocolate choconauts or gummies, you should be really careful. The effects take longer to kick in but are more intense than those of dried mushrooms, so you need to wait things out before popping another gummy into your mouth.


3.    Tripping With the Wrong Company

Who you trip with is an important part of your set and setting. The best people to share your magic mushroom experience with are those who understand what a psychedelic journey means. They should be able to empathize with you during your periods of elation, or during your lows, like when you purge. Being in the company of noisy people who make fun of you when you experience discomfort is not only a waste of good shrooms, it could turn your experience into something nasty you’ll forever want to forget.


4.    Taking Shrooms with Alcohol or Other Drugs

Psilocybin mushrooms are highly potent, mind-altering substances. When taken in combination with alcohol, caffeine, or other hallucinogens, there can only be one outcome – disaster. Taking alcohol before or during your psilocybin trip can result in nausea, paranoia, panic attacks and even episodes of violence. Other drugs, especially synthetics, can produce even worse outcomes like a trip to the emergency room. Such reckless actions are what gives a wonderful drug like psilocybin a bad name, and you probably don’t want to do that. If you want to intensify your trip, take your shrooms in small increments. Eventually you’ll get the high you desire. If you’re going to mix shrooms with weed, make sure your timing is perfect, otherwise it could also result in a long bad trip.


5.    Being in the Wrong Mind Frame

Before taking magic mushrooms, make sure you’re in the right state of mind. Being positive and relaxed, rather than anxious about the experience can determine whether you have a great trip or a bad one. Mushrooms have a way of amplifying your worst fears, meaning any dark thoughts before you take the shrooms are likely to play out in the form of a bad trip.  If you’re already annoyed or anxious about something, reschedule your trip until you’re calm enough to handle the shrooms. Most importantly, don’t take magic mushrooms if you’re scheduled for an important meeting or job interview.


6.    Excessive Stimulation

It’s no secret that our brains become hyper-connected when we trip on magic mushrooms. Studies have shown that psilocybin has a way of disrupting the communication networks in our brains and reconnecting different regions that usually don’t talk to each other. This is what causes us to go through changes of perception like illusions, loss of sense of time and synaesthesia – hearing images and feeling sounds. If you’re in an environment where there are loud noises and very bright colors – like a night club, or out in the streets – this may overstimulate your already hyper-sensitive brain causing you to have a meltdown.  The best thing is to stay in-doors in a calm, relaxed environment.


7.    Not Hydrating Enough

It can never be said enough. Tripping and drinking water go together like peas and carrots. That’s because tripping does come with some side effects like having a dry mouth. You can also experience cold sweats during your trip and you’ll need to replenish the water that your body loses. It’s also advisable to take sugar containing drinks as they can lessen the intensity of your mushroom trip.


8.    Not Setting Enough Time Aside for your Trip

When going on your first psychedelic trip, there’s no such thing as being over-prepared. One of the most important aspects of your planning is ensuring you put aside everything else and create enough time to savour your trip. After all, a psilocybin trip lasts anywhere between 4 to 6 hours, so you want to be sure there’s adequate time for the effects to wear off. Free up at least 8 hours of your time and, if possible, do it on a weekend when you don’t have to report to work the next day. Feeling under pressure because you don’t have enough time to enjoy the trip can trigger feelings of anxiety and paranoia which will only ruin your trip.


9.    Tripping Without a Specific Intent

There’s nothing wrong with tripping purely for recreational purposes, but a trip that’s full of introspection is usually so much better. As Leo Zeff, a pioneer in the use of psychedelic therapy, put it: the quality of a trip is not determined by your experience that day but by your subsequent growth in the following months. Having a specific purpose for tripping before the event means you stand a greater chance of experiencing long term positive psychological effects compared to tripping just for the sake of it.


10. Not Drawing Lessons from Bad Trips

Although no one really wants to go through a bad trip, sometimes they can prove to be very beneficial. Bad trips are simply a reflection of your worst fears and could be a way of telling you there’s an emotional issue you need to deal with in your life. A lot of people usually write off bad trips as something to forget, rather than look at them as an opportunity to correct or at least confront something that’s gone wrong in your life. By using the come down from a bad trip as a period for deep reflection, we can turn this time into a profound moment of revelation about ourselves and use the lessons learned to improve on the next trip.


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Using Magic Mushrooms for Self Improvement

Using Magic Mushrooms for Self Improvement

There are all kinds of reasons why people use psychedelics. For some, it’s a path to self-discovery. For others, it’s a way to commune with nature. Still, for many others, it’s a way to kick back and socialize with friends.

Shrooms and psychedelics in general can be everything to everyone. They can be intoxicating, they can give you mind blowing visuals, or they can take you on a spiritual journey that’s completely transformational. It all depends on your attitude as the user.

One thing’s for sure, if you want an experience that goes beyond mere recreation, you need to approach magic mushrooms with a clear focus and the right preparation. Beyond the intoxication, geometric shapes and synesthesia lies a much bigger potential in magic mushrooms that you can miss out on if you don’t take them more seriously.

How can magic mushrooms transform you?

Magic mushrooms are catalysts that can initiate change in our personality. Research has shown that the effects of psilocybin mushrooms last more than 6 months after a trip on a substantial dose. They act as mirrors, showing you your other hidden side, and bring to the surface all your emotional battles and inadequacies for closer scrutiny.

Magic mushrooms take you through an emotional cathartic release, helping you get more in touch with your subconscious. In the process they dissolve your ego, enabling you to break the cycle of rigid thoughts and habits that hold you back in life.

Having the right attitude towards psychedelics means having a more open mind where you encourage deeper self-examination and purpose to come out of your spiritual trip a better person.

Tripping on shrooms with intent

Casual trippers usually miss out on the potential magic mushrooms and other psychedelics have of transforming lives. Whether by design or default, they often don’t prepare enough or integrate any lessons they pick up into their daily lives. By failing to do these two things, recreational users cannot enjoy the full potential of the trip.

Myron Stolaroff a researcher and author best known for his work in psychedelic psychotherapy says this about psychedelics, “Their true purpose is to enhance growth and interior development. Used only for pleasure, or abused, the Inner Self is thwarted, which leads to unpleasant experiences and depression.”

If you’ve never tried tripping with a specific intent from the outset, it’s something you need to consider. Like you do when preparing for a journey, have an itinerary of where you want to go, questions you want to explore during the trip. Think of it as a therapeutic session that should not be taken lightly, an honest appraisal about yourself.

If you’re tripping in a group setting, try and set aside some time where you’re by yourself. This will help you do some quiet introspection.

Ask yourself the more profound questions regarding your life, questions like:

  • What keeps me from reaching my full potential?
  • Does my behavior complement my goals and beliefs?
  • What changes do I need to make my life better?

Take time to think about each question. Feel it and reflect deeply upon it. If you focus your mind on these things during the trip, you’ll come back from the experience having learned some extraordinary things about yourself.

How to use your trip for self-improvement

Leo Zeff, who pioneered the use of psychedelic therapy, put it best by saying the quality of a trip is not determined by your experience that day, but by your subsequent growth in the following months.

As long as we pay attention to any insights we get from our trip and commit to applying the lessons learned in our daily lives, then our psychedelic experiences can become events that catalysis change, helping us to reach the highest level of self-awareness. One of the best ways to measure the quality of your trip is to consider how much you’ve grown from it.

As you go through a number of psychedelic trips, each new insight you get from the experience can act as a kind of feedback where you deal with disturbing issues one at a time. Think of it as a to-do list where you keep eliminating issues that give you a bad trip.

Using bad trips to grow

No one wants to go through a bad trip. But, contrary to what many people think, bad trips can prove to be very beneficial.

Bad trips are simply a reflection of your worst fears. They tend to bubble to the surface whenever your subconscious is set free. Needless to say, the emotions we undergo during a bad trip usually come from unresolved negative experiences we’ve had in our lives.

When we keep ignoring these deep lying concerns, they manifest themselves in the form of deep paranoia and anxiety, an amplified version of the concern itself. When this concern presents itself in a bad trip, it gives us an opportunity to confront it and do something about it.

By using the come down from a bad trip as a period for deep reflection, we can turn this time into a profound moment of revelation about ourselves.

When we reflect this way after each trip, even the good ones, you’ll get pointers on the things you need to address in your life, and the kind of changes you need to undertake for a positive transformation. As you make these changes, your trips will also change for the better.

What magic mushrooms can’t do for you

There’s no doubt psilocybin mushrooms can be very effective in helping identify the issues behind destructive behavior and thought patterns. However, they cannot be used to self-medicate for mental problems that require professional counseling. If you suffer from psychological illness, you’re better off getting psilocybin therapy in the right clinical setting under the close supervision of a psychologist.

Shrooms are also not a one-size-fits-all therapeutic remedy for a broad range of behavioral issues. The changes you undergo from psychedelic trips are progressive, and you have to manage your expectations of any positive personality change.


Once you’ve experienced the benefits of tripping with intent, make sure you share what you’ve gone through with your friends. Let them know that it’s fine to use psychedelics for recreation, but it’s much more fulfilling when you trip with the intention of self-improvement. Who knows, you might change their lives for the better!

About Magic Mushrooms Dispensary

We provide Canadians access to high quality psychedelic mushroom products in a discreet and reliable manner. Sign up today and try out our unique assortment of magic mushrooms and microdose mushroom capsules.

How to Overcome a Bad Magic Mushroom Trip

How to Overcome a Bad Magic Mushroom Trip

The mind is a powerful thing. When you introduce it to psychedelics it can open up a completely different world to you, one of spiritual nirvana, or another that’s full of nightmares. Luckily, bad trips on shrooms are a rare thing, but it’s always good to be prepared in case you have one.

What’s a bad mushroom trip, and what causes it?

A bad trip can range from experiencing mild anxiety and paranoia to having a full-scale psychedelic crisis where you go through some deeply disturbing emotions. The worst part is a bad trip can last as long as a good one, which is basically six to eight hours depending on the mushroom dosage you’ve taken. During the trip it feels as though time is standing still, making a bad experience even worse.

The reasons for having a bad trip vary from person to person, but they can usually be traced back to the following things:

  • Taking higher doses of magic mushrooms. 2 to 3 grams of dried mushrooms is considered a full trip dose. Anything higher than this, and you’re courting trouble especially if you don’t have enough experience with psychedelics. Here’s how much magic mushrooms you should take to get the desired effects.
  • Being in a negative frame of mind before taking shrooms or during the trip.
  • Having a setting where there’s excessive stimulation.
  • Mixing psilocybin mushroom with other drugs or alcohol.
  • Taking psychedelic drugs without a trip sitter to sooth you in case things go south.
  • Not taking enough water.

Can you avoid a bad trip?

You can minimize the chances of having a bad trip by creating the right set and setting from the start. Try to be positive and relaxed rather than anxious about the psychedelic experience. Make sure your surroundings are familiar and comfortable. Take a dosage of shrooms that your body can handle. A good way to go is to start with small doses and work your way up to a level that feels right for you. Whatever you do, don’t take alcohol because this will create panic or even make you violent.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated and have some snacks at hand in case you get hungry. You don’t want to have a dry mouth or get hungry while tripping because this will only make you grumpy.

How to stop a bad shrooms trip

Sometimes, however well we prepare, things still fail to go according to plan. You may get a distressing phone call in the middle of your trip, or you might see something and get a negative flashback. Whichever the case, you can’t completely eliminate surprises that may put a damper on your shrooms experience. Here’s what to do when start getting bad vibes during your trip:

  • Pause and take a deep breath. This will help calm your nerves. If this doesn’t work, you can go a step further and try counting your breaths to bring your breathing and heart rate under control. It can do wonders when your nerves begin to fray.
  • Talk to someone, it can be a trip sitter or a friend. Their gentle voice can help sooth you and make you feel more secure. The fact that they’re sober will help you realize that what you’re going through isn’t real and it will all be over at some point.
  • Go for a walk. Being in a different place might help lift your mood. However it shouldn’t be in a noisy area, or a place with too much traffic.
  • Find a distraction. Switching your focus to something else when you start feeling anxious can calm your trip. You can turn on some music or look at a picture on the wall. The good thing with hallucinogens is it’s not that hard to switch your attention to something else because everything appears interesting while you’re high.
  • Do some light exercise like stretching. This will ease any discomfort you might have as well as decrease your tension and boost your mood. Also try drinking some water.
  • Try humor. Sometimes not taking things too seriously and having a laugh at yourself about the situation you’re in helps lighten the mood. If you can’t manage a laugh, try smiling. Even a plastic smile is better than not smiling at all.
  • Give it time. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you’re not able to shake off the negative emotions of a bad trip. Your best option in such a situation may be to simply ride it out.


Bad trips shouldn’t be written off as merely ugly encounters that are best forgotten. As torturous as these experiences might be, they can unearth some unresolved issues that we have, and start a healing process in our lives. Like a near death experience or a painful divorce, surviving the scare of a harrowing shrooms trip can only make us stronger in the end and even teach us something about ourselves that we didn’t know. If you’ve ever had a bad trip consider it a feather on your cap and an important milestone in your psychedelic experience.

Enjoy Magic Mushrooms Delivered Discreetly in Canada

If you’re looking to maximize on the incredible benefits that magic mushrooms can provide, Sign up today and enjoy our wide assortment of high quality psychedelic mushroom products delivered to you in a discreet and reliable manner.

Guide on How to Be a Good Psychedelic Trip Sitter

Guide on How to Be a Good Psychedelic Trip Sitter

If your friend called you up and asked you to be their psychedelic trip sitter (sober sitter or co-pilot), how would you react? In all likelihood, you’d freak out and tell them you’re not ready for that kind of responsibility. True, a tripsitter isn’t exactly the same as a designated driver, but with the right kind of preparation it’s certainly something you can hack. More importantly, you can also be there for your friend in their hour of need.


What’s a trip sitter?

A trip sitter is someone who’s assigned to look after the person who’s taking a hallucinogen, whether it’s LSD, Magic Mushrooms or DMT. This usually happens when it’s the tripper’s first experience with psychedelics. Ideally, the tripsitter should stay sober so they can monitor the tripper while they’re under the influence of the drug.

The concept of trip sitting can be traced back to Timothy Leary’s book The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which was written as a guide on what to do when someone’s going through a psychedelic trip, especially how to handle ego death.  The book advocates for the presence of psychedelic guides to help trippers during the different phases of ego death.


What does it take to be an effective trip sitter?

Having first-hand experience with the substance being used, or training on how to handle any psychological or medical emergency that may arise certainly helps. But even more importantly, it’s your willingness to help, and being responsible enough to remain sober during the trip that really matter. Good trip sitters are able to empathize with the tripper without intervening beyond what the tripper would want. Of course, it always a plus when there’s already an existing relationship between the sitter and the tripper.

A sitter, like the one Leary had in mind, can play an active role in guiding the tripper’s experience. For example, people who sign up for psychedelic retreats have shamans to sit with them during their journey. In this case, the shamans have a lot of experience with hallucinogens and know how to react in case anything out of the norm happens.


The tripsitter’s responsibilities

A key responsibility of the sitter is to be there for the tripper throughout their psychedelic experience. That means before, during, and after their trip. It’s always good to ensure the surroundings are welcoming and do whatever you can to put the user at ease, especially when it’s their first time on the substance they’re taking.

A question many people ask is can the tripsitter be high themselves? Some sitters find it more effective when they microdose or smoke a joint earlier on in order to connect better with the tripper. However, it’s probably best to play it safe as a sitter and stay sober so that you can make the right decisions in case things go south.


What to do before the trip?

  1. Do some research

If you don’t have that much experience with psychoactive drugs, you need to do your homework first. Find out all you can about the substance the tripper is using (including the dosage) so as to fully appreciate what its effects are and how long they may last. Most magic mushrooms, for example, take 10 to 30 minutes for the effects to kick in, and a full psychedelic trip may last 6 to 8 hours depending on the dosage taken.

Understanding the five levels of psychedelic experience is also important. At level 1 the user will feel relaxed and only experience subtle changes in their visuals, while at level 5 they’ll be completely disconnected with reality.

Needless to say, it’s also important to know if the tripper has a medical condition that could be affected by taking the hallucinogen.

  1. Create the right set and setting

Ensure the tripper is in the right state of mind i.e. they’re positive and relaxed, rather than anxious about the experience. Discuss with the user what you’ve gathered from your research and agree on some ground rules before starting the session like what dosage they should take and any guidance they may want during the experience. You should also agree on how to deal with emergencies that may arise, and whom to call in case of an emergency.

As for the setting, you’re less likely to have a bad trip if the surroundings are familiar and comfortable. Your friend’s living room or bedroom, for example, can provide the right environment for a trip. Adjust the lights, ensure the place isn’t too warm or too cold, and turn on some music to create the right ambience.


During the psychedelic experience

  1. Whatever you do, be present throughout the tripper’s experience. Even if you don’t say anything, just being there may actually be enough to reassure them during the session. However, if they have questions that you can answer, indulge them, and try not to be judgmental. When talking to them keep your tone down to soothe them.


  1. Don’t forget to provide for their physical needs like keeping them hydrated at all times. Help them if they need assistance moving around, but if they need their personal space, respect that. When communicating, speak to them in a calm soothing voice.


  1. Lastly, it’s always good to recognize when the user is peaking and when the user is gradually coming back to reality.


After the psychedelic trip

The first thing to do is to monitor the aftereffects of the psychoactive substance. You may find that the tripper is still anxious or paranoid during the comedown, and you may need to reassure them that everything’s okay. They may experience a dry mouth, in which case, you should give them some water to drink.

Afterwards when they’re more comfortable, talk about the psychedelic journey with the user. If you had made an audio or video recording, play it back. This may help the tripper understand their experience better. If they’re anxious about something, reassure them once again.

Give the user time to rest as they may be tired after the trip.


What to do in case of a bad psychedelic trip?

If you’ve prepared the tripper adequately in terms of the right set and setting bad trips are less likely to happen. However, they are a reality and you should always be prepared to handle them.

When someone’s having a bad trip, the first thing you’ll notice is they become really fearful or paranoid. They may even get hysterical and violent. Stay calm and reassure them that what they’re going through is the effect of a psychoactive substance and it isn’t real. Let them know that they’re safe and that nothing bad is going to happen to them.

You can try moving them to a different room that’s more comfortable and help them relax by reminding them that the experience will be over soon. If the situation gets out of hand, call for professional medical help so that they can be kept in a safe place and sedated if the need arises.



There’s no doubt that trip sitting is an important part of safe recreational drug use and a great help to the psychedelic community. It’s always a good thing when the more experienced psychonauts step up and lend a helping hand to the newbies. Hopefully, this article has shed more light on what this actually entails. Happy tripping!


About MagicMushroomDispensary Canada

We give Canadians access to premium psychedelic mushroom products that are safe to use and packaged discreetly for your privacy. Register today and try out our unique assortment of magic mushrooms and microdose mushroom capsules.

Psilocybin and Cannabis, How Safe is it to Mix the Two?

Psilocybin and Cannabis How Safe is it to Mix the Two

Conventional wisdom has it that mixing drugs is a no go zone. Stories abound of users who’ve experienced not just bad trips, but also stints in hospital, and in the worst case scenario – death. Those who are into poly-drug use say that mixing synthetics can be a problem, but it’s a different story when it comes to natural stuff like weed and magic mushrooms.

So who’s right? Let’s look at the individual effects of the two to get a better understanding of how they work together.



THC is the primary active compound of the cannabis plant. When it gets to the brain, it binds to cannabinoid receptors to create the high that users experience. The effects of cannabis have been variously described as stimulating, exhilarating, and relaxing depending on the strain you use. Strains are generally categorized into two types – sativas and indicas. Sativas are considered more stimulating, while indicas are more relaxing.

Cannabis affects your senses mainly through your visual perception, where colors appear brighter. Music will also sound more beautiful while the taste of food and aroma become more enjoyable.

As for your mood, cannabis makes you feel upbeat. You’ll get funny spur of the moment thoughts, although they may also be insightful and in some instances paranoid. Thoughts that are at first clear become clouded as lethargy seeps in.

Cannabis users also typically experience the munchies, drowsiness and an altered perception of time. They may also feel more sensual and a heightened libido.

Generally, the effects of smoking weed kick in after about 30 minutes, but the high lasts for 1 to 3 hours. However, if you take marijuana as food or drink it takes longer to hit you, but the high lasts for many more hours than smoking.


Magic Mushrooms

Like cannabis, psilocybin – the active ingredient in psilocybe magic mushrooms – works by binding itself to receptors in your brain. In this case they are serotonin receptors responsible for the communication between nerve cells.

When you take shrooms, the first feeling is that of a pleasant energy coursing through your veins. Your entire psychological functioning is altered as you go through a transient state between being awake and sleep.

You’ll feel an uplift in your mood, clarity in your thinking and a deeper level of introspection.

Once the full effects kick in, about an hour after ingesting psilocybin mushrooms, you will start to go through changes of perception like illusions, loss of sense of time and synaesthesia. Visuals will become more enhanced including seeing things like halos around lights and sometimes even geometric patterns when you close your eyes.

As is the case with cannabis, your magic mushroom trip will depend on the dosage and strain you take. Of course, microdoses of either have a different effect than a full dose.


Magic Mushrooms and Cannabis Are Strikingly Similar

When all is said and done weed and magic mushrooms have an uncanny likeness to each other. For starters, both affect your thought process and perceptions in certain ways. They lift your mood to the point of elation, trigger creative thoughts, and enrich the beauty of music, art and nature in general. However, they also have a dark side and can open a Pandora’s box, bringing to the surface any inner demons and deep-rooted bad feelings you may have.


Mixing Shrooms and Cannabis – The Experience

So what happens when these two titans come together? Well, it depends on the person (how drug tolerant they are) and the timing.

When everything falls into place, a melting pot of cannabis and shrooms will intensify your psychedelic experience by provoking more abstract visuals and sensations.

It’s always best to let the magic mushroom trip take the centre stage, while the cannabis plays a more supporting role. That means taking it easy on the weed. If you’re smoking, don’t overdo it – no big joints or bong rips. Just small puffs to first test the waters and then playing it by ear from that point.

Psychonauts who’ve learned to get the best out of the two avoid smoking weed during the peak. They say cannabis taken before the mushroom come-up helps to temper it. It also gives the peak an edge, and prolongs the come-down. Those who have more weed tolerance smoke before the peak then wait for the come-down before taking some more cannabis. Again, this is a fine balancing act, if you overdo it you may completely reignite your high which may not be very pleasant.

One heads up we can give users who mix weed and magic mushrooms is to start with low-THC, sativa-dominant strains. Something else to consider is that sativa strains provide that extra bit of energy and positivity, while indica a CBD-rich strain helps fight off nausea and manage any jittery feelings that may creep up.


The Downside

Of course things may not always go according to script. Sometimes cannabis induces lethargy and dulls any visuals you’re likely to experience as well as numbing your sensations. In short, your psychedelic peak could end up becoming an anti-climax.

Combining cannabis and shrooms can also trigger a bout of paranoia and anxiety, not to mention there’s the risk of getting mired in negative or repetitive thoughts and emotions. The worst part is that if you’re having a bad trip it’ll feel even longer because of the disorientation of time that comes with taking mushrooms.



Weed and psilocybin can be a wonderful combination, when done right. The weed can reinvigorate your shrooms trip when it goes off-peak and make the whole experience smoother. However, when your timing is off, or your head’s simply not in the right place, combining the two can dampen the best parts of the trip and unleash chaos. If you have any doubts, it’s better to err on the side of caution and not mix the two.


About Magic Mushrooms Dispensary

We provide Canadians access to high quality psychedelic mushroom products in a discreet and reliable manner. Register today and try out our unique assortment of magic mushrooms and microdose mushrooms.