Psilocybin 101

Psilocybin 101: Macrodosing vs. Microdosing

Whether you eat dried magic mushrooms, drink shroom tea, or use magic mushroom capsules and edibles, you’ll experience a range of fascinating effects. These effects are due to the chemicals inside magic mushrooms which interact with your body to produce physical and mental changes. While shrooms can contain many chemicals, the most common is psilocybin.

When you consume psilocybin, your body converts it to psilocin – its active form. It’s known for inducing euphoria, heightening your senses, opening your mind, and even causing some minor physical changes. Higher doses can even give you hallucinations, distort your sense of time, and deliver experiences that feel spiritual or life-changing.

Since the effects of psilocybin can be so powerful, it’s important to know the difference between macrodosing and microdosing. Macrodosing involves taking a high dosage to induce potent, long-lasting effects, including hallucinations and perceived spiritual experiences. Microdosing won’t give you the same kind of experience, but it can enhance your mood, senses, and creativity without feeling too overwhelming.

Some users prefer microdosing to macrodosing or vice versa. Many people even try both of these approaches out at different times. Whichever way, you might want to know the perks of macrodosing and microdosing and how much you should take. Here’s our psilocybin 101 guide to macrodosing vs. microdosing.

Pros Of Macrodosing Psilocybin

When it comes to taking psilocybin, the kind of experience you’ll have will differ greatly depending on your dosage. Many people take low dosages to avoid overpowering effects. On the other hand, some people prefer to take enough psilocybin to induce a classic psychedelic trip, complete with hallucinations and perceived spiritual experiences. The latter approach is known as macrodosing.

Macrodosing is beneficial for recreational psychonauts who want to experience the power of psilocybin. After taking a macrodose of psilocybin, users often report a wave of euphoria and open-mindedness. Many users start to feel connected to everything around them, including nature.

It can also lead to experiences that change your perspective on life or even make you feel more spiritual. A study on using psilocybin for smoking cessation found that, on top of helping users counteract their nicotine addictions, subjects reported that taking psilocybin was one of the most meaningful and spiritually significant experiences of their lives.

A long-term study on the effects of psilocybin also found that a single high dose can cause long-lasting personality changes. After macrodosing psilocybin, users were more open-minded and imaginative. These effects lasted for up to a year after using psilocybin. Additionally, research suggests that macrodosing psilocybin can help with anxiety and depression.

Pros Of Macrodosing Psilocybin

Cons Of Macrodosing Psilocybin

Although macrodosing psilocybin can often induce enjoyable and beneficial experiences, it’s not without its disadvantages. Using any kind of hallucinogenic substance can be dangerous – especially for those who aren’t prepared for the effects. This is especially common when you take higher doses, which is why many people prefer to microdose psilocybin.

One of the biggest disadvantages of macrodosing psilocybin is that it can cause a bad trip. While many users end up feeling happy, euphoric, and open-minded, others may feel anxious, paranoid, and fearful. They may even experience disturbing thoughts and scary hallucinations that make their trip worse.

What’s more, while 3.5 grams of magic mushrooms is recommended for a classic psilocybin trip, taking more can be too overpowering. Taking too much psilocybin can cause you to lose touch with reality temporarily. On top of that, you’ll likely experience uncomfortable physical effects such as nausea, sweating, and an increased heart rate.

Many of these disadvantages can be avoided by avoiding taking too much. Many users start with 1 or 2 grams before building up to 3.5 grams. Although any kind of macrodose can still lead to a bad trip, you can avoid this by ensuring you’re in a safe, comfortable environment and a positive state of mind. It also helps to take shrooms while you’re with a friend or “sitter” who can watch over you and keep you in a good mood.

Best Dosage For Macrodosing Psilocybin

If you want to macrodose psilocybin, it’s important to be careful with your dosage. Taking too little won’t give you the kind of experience you’re looking for. However, taking too much can result in a bad trip with various unwanted mental and physical effects. As such, you need to get your dosage just right.

Generally, 3.5 grams of dried magic mushrooms is recommended for a classic psychedelic trip. At this dosage, you’ll likely experience fascinating hallucinations, euphoria, heightened senses, and other enjoyable effects. It can also lead to perceived spiritual experiences and positive long-term changes in your mood and behavior.

Taking 3.5 grams might be overwhelming if you’ve never taken psilocybin before. As such, many people start with 1 or 2 grams. At this range, you’ll still experience many of the same effects such as euphoria, heightened senses, and improvements in your mood and creativity. However, it won’t be quite as overpowering as a classic psychedelic trip. Plus, some strains of magic mushrooms are stronger than others, so starting with a lower dose is a smart way to get accustomed to the effects.

If you’re using magic mushroom capsules or edibles, calculating your dosage is a little different. Each capsule or edible usually comes with a fixed dosage of magic mushroom extracts in milligrams. So, for instance, if you want the equivalent of a 2g dose of magic mushrooms, you’ll need to take 2000mg of magic mushroom capsules or edibles.

Best Dosage For Macrodosing Psilocybin

Pros Of Microdosing Psilocybin

Microdosing psilocybin has become extremely popular as it provides many of the same benefits as macrodosing with fewer disadvantages. Although the effects of microdosing are much milder, it’s also an excellent way to avoid bad trips while still experiencing certain perks such as improvements in your mood and creativity.

A 2021 study found that, compared to macrodosing, microdosing psilocybin resulted in greater observed improvements in mood and mental health after one month. Another study found that microdosing psilocybin helped users enhance their creativity. Microdosing psilocybin can also help counteract symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The main benefit of microdosing over macrodosing is that it allows users to reap these benefits without tripping. Although a strong psychedelic trip can be an incredible experience, it’s something that should be enjoyed in moderation. In contrast, you can microdose psilocybin regularly without worrying about a bad trip or losing touch with reality for hours.

When you microdose psilocybin, you can experience improvements in your mood, senses, and creativity while remaining alert and focused. As such, some people even microdose psilocybin to help with their work performance. It can also help your creative abilities – some people microdose psilocybin before writing, creating music, or other creative pursuits.

Cons Of Microdosing Psilocybin

Compared to macrodosing, microdosing psilocybin is much safer. Since the effects are more subtle, you’re less likely to experience a bad trip. What’s more, you won’t feel out of touch with reality and can still go about your day while enjoying the benefits of psilocybin. However, microdosing can have a few disadvantages.

Although microdosing is ideal for those who simply want a boost in their mood and creativity, other users may want a stronger trip. If you’re interested in magic mushrooms due to their ability to induce perceived spiritual and life-changing experiences, microdosing psilocybin won’t do much for you. In these cases, macrodosing is a better option.

Microdosing psilocybin too often can also be detrimental. If you take a microdose of psilocybin every morning, this will quickly increase your tolerance to psilocybin. As such, you may end up needing higher doses to maintain the same kind of effects you’ve been enjoying. Most users avoid this by only microdosing every few days.

While microdosing psilocybin is much safer than macrodosing, it’s important to keep in mind that psilocybin is still a very strong substance. Everyone responds to psilocybin differently, so you might still experience unwanted effects such as anxiety or paranoia even if you only take a small dose. Plus, if you’re eating dried magic mushrooms, you might inadvertently take a stronger dose than you need and end up having a bad trip.

Best Dosage For Microdosing Psilocybin

Best Dosage For Microdosing Psilocybin

Microdosing psilocybin involves taking low doses to avoid overwhelming effects while still reaping various benefits. For many users, 1 gram of magic mushrooms is enough to induce a potent and long-lasting high. As such, it’s best to take less than 1 gram of magic mushrooms if you’d rather microdose psilocybin.

Many people microdose psilocybin by taking 0.5g to 0.7g. This is usually enough to induce noticeable changes in your mood and senses but not enough to induce an overpowering psychedelic trip. However, some users may prefer to take even lower doses of 0.2 to 0.5g. Going lower than this isn’t recommended as the effects usually won’t be strong enough.

The ideal dosage for microdosing psilocybin varies between users. As such, it’s best to adapt your dosage to your needs. You might want to start with an 0.5g dose then increase it or decrease it by 0.2g accordingly. If you’re using dried magic mushrooms, you’ll need to chop them into very small pieces and weigh them before eating them or brewing them into shroom tea.

Using magic mushroom capsules and edibles makes it much easier to microdose psilocybin. These products usually come with a microdose of magic mushroom extracts in each serving. For example, you can simply take a 500mg shroom capsule or 700mg shroom gummy instead of using 0.5g or 0.7g of dried magic mushrooms.

How To Use Psilocybin

Whether you want to macrodose shrooms or microdose shrooms, there are many effective ways to get the effects of psilocybin. Eating dried magic mushrooms is the most straightforward method, but products such as magic mushroom capsules and edibles are arguably more convenient. Here’s a breakdown of how to use psilocybin.

Eating Dried Magic Mushrooms – Eating dried magic mushrooms is a simple and effective way to get the effects of psilocybin. You’ll first need to chop your shrooms into small pieces and measure them to get your desired dosage. You can eat them by themselves or mix them with food. Although it’s easy, the taste can be unpleasant.

Drinking Magic Mushroom Tea – Drinking shroom tea helps mask the bitter taste of dried shrooms. You can also add lemon juice to your shroom tea to speed up the onset of effects. You can. If you want to try it, you can read our guide on how to make magic mushroom tea and get the most out of it.

Using Magic Mushroom Capsules – Magic mushroom capsules offer an easy and convenient way to manage your dosage and get the effects of psilocybin. Each capsule contains a small dose of psilocybin in milligrams. Simply take as many as you need to get your desired dosage and wash the capsules down with water.

Using Magic Mushroom Edibles – Magic mushroom edibles are another highly convenient option. Like capsules, each serving will give you a fixed dose of psilocybin. The only difference is that these servings are in the form of tasty gummies, chocolates, or other food products. You can get the effects of psilocybin simply by eating as many as you need for your desired dosage.

Macrodosing vs Microdosing Psilocybin

Macrodosing vs. Microdosing Psilocybin: Which Is Best?

When it comes to macrodosing vs. microdosing, the best approach depends on the user. If you’re looking for a powerful psychoactive trip, complete with hallucinations and spiritual feelings, macrodosing is the best option. With that said, it’s important to be prepared as the effects are especially strong and long-lasting.

If you’d rather experience improvements in your mood, senses, and creativity without overpowering effects, microdosing is ideal for you. You can microdose psilocybin regularly and even use it to enhance your cognitive and creative abilities. However, you shouldn’t expect to experience any life-changing trips.

Many users try both approaches at different times. For instance, you might want to microdose psilocybin regularly for a mood boost but take an occasional macrodose for an intense trip when you have the time.

Keep in mind that, whether you’re microdosing or macrodosing psilocybin, the effects usually take at least 20 to 40 minutes to kick in. Make sure you don’t increase your dosage until the effects have come on and worn off – doing so can result in you taking too much and having a bad trip.


Macrodosing and microdosing psilocybin both have their perks. Many users try both approaches to experience the many incredible effects and benefits of psilocybin. Fortunately, you can find plenty of magic mushroom strains along with various microdosing and macrodosing products at Magic Mushrooms Dispensary.

How to Keep a Journal While Microdosing Magic Mushrooms

How to Keep a Journal While Microdosing Magic Mushrooms

Learning how to keep a journal while using magic mushrooms is a great idea for anyone who enjoys the effects of shrooms. After all, psilocybin can improve your mood and build new connections in your brain and open your mind to all kinds of unique ideas. It can even enhance your creativity, meaning you might end up writing something fascinating.

With that said, you shouldn’t embark on intense shroom trips regularly. Fortunately, you can microdose magic mushrooms often and still keep a journal. Not only will you end up with a plethora of interesting writings, but this can also help you manage your dosage and make sure you don’t go overboard. Here’s how to keep a journal while microdosing magic mushrooms.

Learn How To Microdose Magic Mushrooms

Before you start writing in your journal, you should make sure you know how to microdose magic mushrooms. Microdosing involves taking a very small dose of shrooms – usually only 0.2g to 0.7g. Taking such low doses allows you to enhance your mood, creativity, and senses while remaining alert and functional.

What’s more, you shouldn’t try to microdose shrooms every day. Taking them every few days can still result in long-lasting improvements in your creativity and focus. Trying to take too much can quickly make your tolerance too high. Luckily, keeping a journal can help you keep track of your tolerance and help you optimize your dosage.

You can read guides online on microdosing magic mushrooms to reap the benefits. You should also know the best way to microdose shrooms. While you could chop dried magic mushrooms into small pieces, this is usually inconvenient. Instead, you can find a range of shroom microdose products such as capsules and edibles that make the process exceptionally easy.

Record Your Dosage Whenever You Microdose Shrooms

One of the most important parts of keeping a journal while you take magic mushrooms is to record how much you took. You’ll be spending the next hours recording every kind of effect you feel and the ideas that pop into your head. You’ll also be recording any adverse effects you experience. As such, you should always make sure you record how much you take.

Recording how much you take is extremely helpful for ensuring you get the best microdose possible. For instance, if you take 1 gram of shrooms and end up experiencing unwanted effects, you’ll know you need to lower your dosage. If you take a 0.2-gram microdose and barely feel anything, you’ll know to increase your dosage.

Chopping up your dried shrooms and measuring them can be a hassle. Luckily, there are now many convenient products such as capsules and edibles that make it easy to microdose shrooms. The great thing about these is that they offer you a simple serving of magic mushroom extracts, making it easy to manage and record your dosage each time you use them.

Keep Timestamps For Every Event

Keep Timestamps For Every Event

Another essential factor of keeping a journal while using magic mushrooms is to always keep track of time. If you initially take your microdose of magic mushrooms at 3 PM, make sure you note down the time next to that information. If you start to feel a burst of creativity at 4 PM, make sure you also record when it happened.

There are various benefits to adding timestamps to your magic mushroom journal. For one, it makes it easy to figure out how quickly the shrooms kick in and how fast they wear off. Magic mushrooms affect everyone differently – you might start to feel the effects of psilocybin 30 minutes after consumption or even 2 hours after consumption. The effects can also last anywhere from 4 to 12 hours.

The effects of psilocybin can also distort your sense of time. Although this usually only happens with higher doses, it still helps to keep timestamps no matter what dosage you take. It can also help you figure out what kind of effects you experience and what times and how the effects of your shrooms usually progress. All of this information can help you optimize your shroom usage.

Note Down Your Thoughts And Feelings

After taking shrooms, you’ll experience all kinds of interesting effects. Even a very small dose of shrooms can boost your creativity, enliven your senses, and improve your mood. As such, you should start to keep track of everything you’re thinking or feeling in your journal. This can help you make the most of your experience.

For instance, you might start to feel euphoric and optimistic an hour after taking shrooms. Make sure you note this down in your journal. You might start to notice that colors are becoming more colorful or that music sounds more interesting than usual. This is also a good thing to record in your journal.

You might even end up developing some creative ideas or philosophies. Make sure you keep these in your journal as they might fade away later. Some people even create stories, poetry, or art after taking psilocybin. This is a good way to make the most of the creativity-enhancing effects of magic mushrooms.

Keep Track Of Any Adverse Effects

The effects of magic mushrooms can be highly positive. Psilocybin can enhance your mood and even ward off symptoms of anxiety and depression. Some people even find that shrooms make them feel more enlightened and spiritual. However, taking a high dose of shrooms can also result in a bad trip with unwanted effects.

Adverse effects are less common when microdosing shrooms, but it’s not impossible to have unpleasant effects. You should record any side effects, such as anxiety and paranoia, or even physical effects like nausea and sweating.

Recording unwanted side effects can help you avoid them in the future. For instance, you might find that you only experience these effects after taking a certain strain of magic mushrooms. You might find that taking above a certain dosage makes you anxious whereas lower doses help your anxiety. All of this is useful information.

Keep Track Of Any Adverse Effects


Keeping a journal while microdosing shrooms is an excellent way to optimize your dosage and avoid unwanted side effects. It’s also a great way to take advantage of the improvements in creativity and open-mindedness you’ll likely experience. You can find a wide range of products for microdosing, including dried shrooms, capsules, and edibles, at Magic Mushrooms Dispensary.

How To Buy Magic Mushrooms Confidently As A First Timer

How To Buy Magic Mushrooms Confidently As A First Timer

In the past, getting your hands on magic mushrooms was a challenge. Trying to pick shrooms in the wild is often dangerous, and trusting a shady street dealer to give you legitimate high-quality shrooms is an even worse idea. Fortunately, times have changed. You can now buy magic mushrooms confidently as a first timer from the comfort of your home.

Consumers in Canada can order magic mushrooms online safely, discreetly, and without any hassle. With that said, beginners might be a little confused as to what to order. With so many strains of magic mushrooms – not to mention other types of psilocybin-infused products – you might be spoiled for choice. Here’s a guide on how to buy magic mushrooms confidently as a first timer.

Read Up On Magic Mushrooms Before Buying

If you’re planning on taking magic mushrooms for the first time, it’s important to know what to expect. Magic mushrooms can provide fascinating, mind-expanding effects. However, accidentally taking too much or even not being prepared for the experience can result in a bad trip.

Fortunately, there are plenty of guides and resources online to help you. Beginners should read our guide on things to know before trying magic mushrooms for the first time. For instance, you should know that the effects of magic mushrooms can take up to 90 minutes to kick in and last for 4 to 8 hours. You should also know how much to take – 1 to 2 grams is a good beginner dose.

It also helps to do some research on different magic mushroom strains. From Golden Teachers to Penis Envy magic mushrooms, every type of shroom offers something different. Some are more potent than others and the effects they deliver can vary. Knowing what kind of shrooms you want to take and what effects to expect from each strain can help you make the best decisions for your needs.

Register For An Online Dispensary

The days of trying to get magic mushrooms through a friend of a friend are over. You can now safely order all kinds of magic mushrooms online. But to ensure you get the best shrooms possible, you’ll need to register an account with a high-quality online magic mushrooms dispensary.

If you want to order magic mushrooms in Canada, you can register at Magic Mushrooms Dispensary now. Creating an account is quick, easy, and completely free. You’ll need to provide a few basic details to create an account. You’ll also need to provide some form of photo ID to prove your age. Once your age is verified, your ID photo will be deleted and you won’t need to upload it again.

Magic Mushrooms Dispensary offers a massive selection of top-notch magic mushrooms. Not only can you order a wide variety of magic mushroom strains, but you can also order magic mushroom capsules, edibles, and other psilocybin-infused products. All of this can be done in minutes after you register your account.

Pick Your Favorite Magic Mushroom Strain

Pick Your Favorite Magic Mushroom Strain

After registering an account, you can browse a massive range of dried magic mushrooms. There are tons of strains to choose from and each strain offers something different. If you’ve done your research, you might already know what kind of shrooms you want to try. Some users might want to go with popular options such as Golden Teachers, Blue Meanies, or Penis Envy.

If you’re not sure which strain of shrooms you’d like to try, don’t worry. Every type of magic mushroom in our shop comes with a detailed product description and customer reviews. Simply browse a few strains, read their descriptions, check out the reviews, and you’re sure to find one that appeals to you.

You can order a single gram of magic mushrooms or up to 28 grams if you want to stock up. Plus, you’re not restricted to a single strain. With so many strains to choose from, you might want to mix and match a few. You can even try our magic mushroom sampler kit if you’d like to sample a selection of great magic mushroom strains.

Consider Shroom Edibles Or Capsules

The simplest way to take magic mushrooms is to eat dried magic mushrooms. Some people spice up the experience by brewing their dried shrooms in tea or even mixing them with food. However, these methods don’t appeal to everyone – especially as dried magic mushrooms have a bitter and unpleasant taste.

As such, many people use magic mushroom edibles instead. From gummies to chocolates, these tasty treats are infused with the effects of shrooms. Plus, each serving contains a small dose of magic mushroom extracts. This makes it easy to manage your dosage and avoid taking too much.

Alternatively, you might want to try magic mushroom capsules. Like edibles, these products make it easy to get a microdose or macrodose of magic mushroom extracts without any hassle. Simply swallow as many as you need, wash the capsules down with water, and the effects will soon kick in.

Complete Your Order

Ordering magic mushrooms online is easy. Once you’ve found the products you want, you can choose your desired quantity and click “Add to Cart”. You can do this with as many products as you want until you’re happy with your basket.

After adding the products you want, head to the shopping cart page. You’ll get a detailed breakdown of your order along with shipping charges. You can then head to the next page, enter your delivery details, and complete your order.

Payment is carried out via convenient Interac e-Transfers and all orders are shipped in discreet packaging. As such, you’ll get your products without anyone knowing what’s in your package. Remember to keep your products at home and use them responsibly.

Complete Your Magic Mushroom Order


If you’re wondering how to buy magic mushrooms confidently as a first timer, ordering online is the best option. Not only is it safe and discreet, but you can choose from a massive selection of magic mushroom strains, capsules, and edibles. You can also check out detailed product descriptions and reviews to make the best buying choices. To order magic mushrooms online, visit Magic Mushrooms Dispensary.

Things To Know Before Trying Magic Mushrooms For The First Time

Things To Know Before Trying Magic Mushrooms For The First Time

Trying magic mushrooms for the first time is an appealing idea for various reasons. Enthusiastic psychonauts often want to try magic mushrooms for their spiritual and perspective-altering effects. Research has also uncovered the therapeutic potential of magic mushrooms, suggesting they can help with various ailments. Plus, you can now buy magic mushrooms online in Canada safely and easily.

However, there are many things you must know before taking magic mushrooms for the first time. Although using psilocybin mushrooms can be a highly enjoyable and safe experience, you need to know what to expect. Knowing what kind of shrooms to take, how to take them, and how much to take is also particularly important for first-time users.

It also helps to clear up some of the common myths and rumours about magic mushrooms. Going into your first experience with as much knowledge as possible can help you avoid bad trips and have an excellent trip. Plus, even if you’ve taken shrooms once or twice, you might want to learn about other approaches to taking them or even try other psilocybin-infused products.

From the right magic mushroom dosage to the best way to take shrooms to what kind of effects to expect, here are some of the most important things to know before trying magic mushrooms for the first time.

Magic Mushrooms Deliver A Range Of Fascinating Effects

Magic mushrooms can affect your mind and body in various ways. Some of these effects are mild whereas others can be overwhelming at times. The intensity of the effects can also vary based on how much you take. Whichever way, it’s helpful to know what kind of effects to expect when you take magic mushrooms for the first time.

The mental effects of magic mushrooms are particularly prominent. Even lower doses can make you feel happy and euphoric. Many users feel more introspective after taking magic mushrooms and they can enhance your thoughts in many ways. Studies also show that magic mushrooms can decrease anxiety, enhance creativity, and even induce spiritual experiences 

Larger doses of magic mushrooms can result in fascinating trips. Many people experience visual and auditory hallucinations after taking 2g or more of magic mushrooms. It can also lead to deep introspections and experiences that feel spiritual or mind-opening. It’s also common to experience a warped sense of time – a minute may feel like an hour.

You might also notice some physical changes. Magic mushrooms can often make your heart beat faster and might make you feel flushed or sweaty. It helps to stay hydrated while taking magic mushrooms. You might also want to eat a meal before a magic mushroom trip.

You Should Start With A Small Dose

You Should Start With A Small Dose

The effects of magic mushrooms can be exceptionally powerful – especially when you take a high dosage. Accidentally taking too much can result in an overwhelming and distressing experience. As such, one of the most important things to know before trying magic mushrooms for the first time is how much to take.

While 3.5 grams of dried magic mushrooms are recommended for a classic psychedelic trip, beginner users should start with a lower dose. Around 1 to 2 grams of dried magic mushrooms can enhance your mood and enliven your mind without being too overwhelming. You can then slowly increase your dosage when you feel comfortable.

Some users even microdose magic mushrooms. This involves taking dosages of less than a gram for milder effects. You can measure your dosage of dried magic mushrooms by chopping them into pieces and using a scale. Make sure you always measure your shrooms before taking them – taking too much is always a bad idea.

If you’re using other psilocybin-infused products such as magic mushroom edibles or capsules, measuring your dosage is slightly different. These usually give you a fixed amount of psilocybin in milligrams. For instance, 1000mg of psilocybin edibles or capsules is equivalent to 1 gram of dried magic mushrooms, so adapt your dosage accordingly.

Magic Mushrooms Create New Connections In The Brain

When you take psilocybin mushrooms, they can have a variety of effects on your body and brain. You might’ve heard people talk about how shrooms can make you hallucinate or warp your sense of reality. However, one of the most fascinating effects of shrooms is that they can create new connections in your brain.

Research shows that psilocybin creates stronger connections between parts of the brain that don’t usually interact with one another. As such, many people come out of magic mushroom trips feeling more introspective or even “enlightened”. Users often feel that they’ve discovered new truths and resolved problems after a magic mushroom trip.

This increased interconnectedness in your brain can also manifest in other ways. Many people find that magic mushrooms help unleash their creative potential. If you enjoy creative activities such as drawing, creating music, or writing stories, you might find that shrooms help you improve at these activities. You might even want to keep a diary while taking shrooms to keep track of your thoughts.

These effects don’t just last for the duration of your trip. Research suggests that these positive changes in your brain are still present weeks after taking psilocybin. As such, taking magic mushrooms is often an incredibly rewarding experience for creative types or those who want to open their minds to new ways of thinking.

Magic Mushrooms Create New Connections In The Brain

Magic Mushrooms Can Cause A Bad Trip

Although using magic mushrooms can be highly positive, they can also cause a bad trip. A bad trip can result in various unpleasant effects. This can include anxiety, paranoia, disturbing thoughts, scary hallucinations, and physical effects such as nausea and sweating. The possibility of a bad trip often concerns new users, but you can take steps to avoid it.

One of the best ways to avoid a bad trip from magic mushrooms is to avoid taking too much. Even if you’re looking for an intense psychoactive trip, it often helps to start with small doses of psilocybin. That way, you can become accustomed to the effects so that stronger trips don’t feel too overwhelming.

Your surroundings are also important. Taking magic mushrooms in public is a big no-no. It’s best to take shrooms when you’re in a private place where you feel happy, comfortable, and safe. You should never take them anywhere where you might face anxiety, such as a crowded party. Ideally, you should take them privately in your home or a friend’s home.

Perhaps most importantly, you should take shrooms while you’re in a positive state of mind. Although magic mushrooms can help improve your mood, taking them while you feel scared or anxious can amplify these feelings. Taking them when you feel excited and open-minded is a much better idea. Having a trusted friend or “sitter” to watch over you and keep you in a good mood is also helpful.

There Are Many Strains Of Magic Mushrooms

If you’ve ever tried marijuana, you’ll know that there’s a huge variety of strains with different properties. The same applies to magic mushrooms. When you buy dried magic mushrooms, you can choose between a wide selection of strains based on the kind of experience you want.

While all types of magic mushrooms can deliver fascinating effects, they can vary somewhat. Some strains of magic mushrooms are stronger than others and some users may prefer milder strains. Some strains are also known for making users more introspective or delivering stronger hallucinations, for example.

Fortunately, you can view detailed descriptions when you buy magic mushroom strains online. That way, you can figure out which strain is best for you and make the best buying choices. You can also buy shrooms in various quantities, from 1 gram to 28 grams.

Some of the best magic mushroom strains for beginners include Alacabenzi, Golden Teachers, Arenal Volcano, Ecuadorian, and Mazatapec. However, every user is different and you might want something different. If you’re not sure where to start, you might want to buy our First Timer Magic Mushroom Kit or Magic Mushroom Sampler Kit.

There Are Many Strains Of Magic Mushrooms

You Can Eat Dried Magic Mushrooms To Get Their Effects

First-time users are often confused about how to take shrooms. Even if you have a stash of dried magic mushrooms, you might not know what to do with them next. While there are many ways to get the effects of psilocybin, the most straightforward is to simply eat a small dose of dried magic mushrooms.

Simply eating an entire stash of shrooms can often result in a bad trip. As such, you should always chop your magic mushrooms into small pieces and measure your desired dosage with a scale. A dose of 1 or 2 grams of dried magic mushrooms is usually enough for those trying shrooms for the first time.

Once you’ve measured your dosage of dried shrooms, you can simply chew and swallow them. It’ll take a while for the effects to kick in, but it works. Alternatively, you can add your shrooms to some kind of food such as a soup or sandwich. This will still work while also masking the taste of your shrooms.

Although this is the easiest way to consume magic mushrooms, many people prefer other methods. Dried magic mushrooms often have a bitter taste, so some people prefer to brew them into magic mushroom tea. You can also buy handy capsules and tasty edibles infused with magic mushroom extracts.

You Can Use Magic Mushroom Capsules Or Edibles

Eating dried shrooms is an easy way to experience the effects of magic mushrooms. It also allows you to experiment with various unique strains of magic mushrooms. With that said, it’s not necessarily the most enjoyable way to get the effects of psilocybin. What’s more, beginner users might find it inconvenient to weigh their shrooms before taking them.

Fortunately, other options are available. Magic mushroom capsules are one of the most convenient options for magic mushroom users. These handy products are filled with a fixed dose of psilocybin in milligrams. You can simply swallow as many as you need with water to get your desired dosage.

Magic mushroom edibles are similar. These come in the form of tasty gummies, chocolate, and other snacks filled with magic mushroom extracts. Like capsules, each serving will give you a dose of psilocybin measured in milligrams. This makes it easy to get your desired dosage simply by eating some tasty treats.

These products come in various dosages. You can choose between microdose products and macrodose products depending on what kind of dosage you’re looking for. You can also adapt your dosage by taking multiple servings or even splitting them into halves if you want a smaller dosage.

It Takes A While For The Effects To Hit You

It Takes A While For The Effects To Hit You

One of the most crucial things you need to know before trying magic mushrooms for the first time is that the effects don’t hit you instantly. If you’re expecting a fast-acting high as soon as you finish eating shrooms, you’ll be disappointed. Although magic mushrooms deliver powerful effects, it takes a while before you feel them.

Usually, after eating dried magic mushrooms, you’ll need to wait for around 30 to 90 minutes for the effects to kick in. The time it takes for shrooms to kick in can depend on various factors, including the strain you take, how you take them, and individual differences such as your metabolism. As such, some users may need to wait for even longer.

However, once the effects of your magic mushrooms kick in, you’re in for a potent and long-lasting trip. The effects of shrooms can often last for 4 to 8 hours. Some users report feeling residual effects for even longer than 8 hours. Because of this, it’s important not to take more while you’re waiting for the effects to hit you.

It’s possible to make the effects hit you quicker. Soaking your magic mushrooms in lemon juice for 25 minutes can swiftly convert psilocybin to its active form (psilocin). That way, the effects will hit you much faster when you eat your shrooms. It’ll also make your trip shorter, usually by an hour or two.


Trying magic mushrooms for the first time can be enlightening and rewarding as long as you know what to expect. You’ll need to wait a while for the effects to hit you, but once they do, you can expect deep euphoria, enlightenment, and a huge boost in your mood and creativity.

You can also choose how you want to experience magic mushrooms. Whether you’d prefer to eat dried shrooms or use handy psilocybin-infused capsules and edibles, you can find everything you need online at Magic Mushrooms Dispensary.

The Complete Guide To Lemon Tekking

The Complete Guide To Lemon Tekking

If you want to make the effects of magic mushrooms kick in faster while still inducing an intense and enjoyable trip, you need to try lemon tekking. Lemon tekking is a practice often used by magic mushroom enthusiasts that involves combining shrooms with lemon juice. The citric acids in lemon juice turn psilocybin into psilocin quicker, leading to faster-acting effects.

Lemon tekking is an excellent option for those who want to avoid overwhelming, long-lasting trips. You can still enjoy the effects of psilocybin without tripping for half the day. It might even help you increase your enjoyment of magic mushrooms. Plus, it’s simple enough for anyone to try. Here’s the complete guide to lemon tekking.

What Is Lemon Tekking?

While the effects of magic mushrooms can be exceptionally enjoyable, they can also last for a very long time. Not everyone has the time for an 8-hour mushroom trip and, as such, many people find ways to make their magic mushroom trips shorter. One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is using a process known as “lemon tekking”.

Lemon tekking your magic mushrooms involves soaking them in lemon juice, or another citrus-based liquid. The citric acids in lemon juice are said to mimic the acids of your stomach – causing a chemical reaction that converts psilocybin to its active form psilocin. That means that, by the time you consume your lemon-tekked mushrooms, the effects will kick in much faster.

Not only does lemon tekking make the effects of your shrooms kick in faster, but it can also enhance the intensity of the effects. While 1 gram of dried magic mushrooms usually induces a relatively mild high, soaking them in lemon juice can make the effects feel two to three times as strong. As such, it’s a good way to get the most out of your stash of magic mushrooms.

How Long For Lemon Tekked Mushrooms To Kick In?

Many people get the effects of magic mushrooms by simply eating dried magic mushrooms. Although this method is straightforward, it can also take a long time for the effects to initially kick in. How long it takes can vary, with users often reporting wait times of anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes.

Soaking your mushrooms in lemon juice before eating them can cause the effects to kick in much quicker. In some cases, it might take as little as 10 minutes for the effects of your lemon tekked mushrooms to kick in. In some cases, it might take around 20 to 40 minutes. Regardless, lemon tekking can often make the onset of effects 1.5 to 2 times as fast.

Lemon tekking your magic mushrooms can also lead to faster trips. Usually, eating a moderate or a high dose of magic mushrooms will make you trip for around six to eight hours. After lemon tekking your magic mushrooms, you can shorten the duration of your trip by around 2 hours. Using smaller doses can lead to even shorter trips.

How To Lemon Tek Dried Magic Mushrooms

How To Lemon Tek Dried Magic Mushrooms

If you want to lemon tek your dried magic mushrooms, the process is fairly quick and easy. After buying dried magic mushrooms, chop them up into small pieces and measure your desired dosage. Usually, 3.5 grams is the recommended dose for a classic psychedelic trip. However, lemon tekking your magic mushrooms can increase the intensity of the effects, so you might want to use 1 or 2 grams.

Grind your portion of magic mushrooms into a cup. Next, squeeze a lemon into the cup to extract the juice until your shrooms are fully submerged in lemon juice. You may need to use multiple lemons. It’s better to use lemons rather than store-bought lemon juice as these will be higher in citric acids.

Soak your shrooms in lemon juice for around 20 to 25 minutes, stirring the contents of the cup around every 5 minutes. During this time, the citric acids in the lemon juice will activate the psilocin in your magic mushrooms. You can then simply drink the mixture to get the fast-acting effects of your lemon tekked magic mushrooms.

How To Lemon Tek Magic Mushroom Tea

Those who want to consume their magic mushrooms in drinkable form often brew their shrooms into magic mushroom tea. It’s convenient and enjoyable, especially as it helps mask the bitter taste of dried magic mushrooms. Plus, if you’re a fan of lemon tekking, you can also learn how to “lemon tek” your magic mushroom tea.

If you haven’t tried shroom tea before, make sure you read our guide on how to make magic mushroom tea. You can use any strain of dried magic mushrooms you like and you can also determine how strong your shroom tea will be by the dosage you use.

While you can simply add lemon juice to your shroom tea, the most effective way to make lemon tekked mushroom tea is to soak ground shrooms in pure lemon juice for 20 to 25 minutes before adding them to your tea. You can then simply drink your shroom tea for powerful, fast-acting effects.

You can also add other ingredients to your magic mushroom tea to enhance the flavor. For instance, adding a spoonful of honey is a quick and easy way to make shroom-infused honey and lemon tea. Flavorings such as ginger, cinnamon, and mint can also make for excellent additions.

How To Lemon Tek Magic Mushroom Tea


Lemon tekking your magic mushrooms involves soaking them in lemon juice to turn psilocybin into psilocin faster. After lemon tekking your shrooms, the effects of psilocin will kick in quicker. It can also shorten the duration of your trip yet make the effects feel more intense than they usually would.

It’s easy to lemon tek your magic mushrooms by soaking them in a cup of lemon juice before drinking the lemon-soaked mixture. You can also add your lemon-soaked shrooms to a cup of tea to make potent magic mushroom tea. No matter how you prefer to consume your magic mushrooms, you can find a range of strains and products online at Magic Mushrooms Dispensary.

Where To Buy Magic Mushroom Spores In Canada

Where To Buy Magic Mushroom Spores In Canada

Magic mushrooms are becoming increasingly popular in Canada. Not only are these fascinating fungi known for unleashing your creativity, enhancing your senses, and even inducing spiritual experiences, but research suggests that magic mushrooms can help with depression, anxiety, and other such issues. And while you can simply buy shrooms online, you might want to consider magic mushroom spores.

Buying magic mushroom spores is a good idea for anyone looking to grow magic mushrooms at home. Although it takes some preparation, you can produce impressive yields of satisfying shrooms by injecting shroom spores in a suitable substrate. But, of course, you’ll need to know where to get your hands on them first. Here’s a guide on where to buy magic mushroom spores in Canada.

What Are Magic Mushroom Spores?

When growing cannabis plants, you generally need to plant seeds or cuttings in some kind of soil to get the rich, psychoactive flowers you’re after. However, since magic mushrooms are a type of fungi, the cultivation process is different. Instead of planting seeds, you’ll need to inject magic mushroom spores in a substrate for them to grow into satisfying shrooms.

Spores are one-celled reproductive units that can be used to grow mushrooms. Spore prints are extracted from magic mushrooms so that they can be reproduced again. However, you don’t need access to magic mushrooms to get your hands on spores – they’re often sold in vials, making it easy to extract them into a syringe and plant them to grow magic mushrooms at home.

You can find spores for all kinds of magic mushroom strains. For instance, you might want to cultivate some Golden Teacher Mushrooms or Arenal Volcano Magic Mushrooms. Whichever way, it’s simply a matter of buying a vial of spores for your desired strain and then using these spores to produce a new batch of psilocybin mushrooms.

How Do You Use Magic Mushroom Spores?

Using magic mushroom spores can be a little complicated if you’ve never tried to grow magic mushrooms before. The process requires time, patience, and a lot of equipment to ensure that your shrooms grow successfully. You’ll also need to disinfect all the equipment and materials you use to ensure that your magic mushrooms aren’t ruined.

You use magic mushroom spores by injecting them into some kind of substrate. Most people use a substrate base of brown rice flour, vermiculite, and water to grow shrooms. Your substrate gives the spores the nutrients and conditions they need to eventually grow into psilocybin mushrooms.

Magic mushroom spores usually come in a vial with a syringe, although some you’ll need to extract into a syringe first. You can then use the syringe to inoculate jars of your chosen substrate with your magic mushroom spores. The spores will feed off of the substrate and grow into shrooms. From there, you can continue with the incubation, fruiting, and harvesting process.

Many steps are involved with growing magic mushrooms, so it’s best to read a more in-depth guide on how to grow magic mushrooms before using magic mushroom spores. That way, you can avoid errors and ensure that your shroom growing project goes as smoothly as possible.

Where To Buy Magic Mushroom Spores In Canada 1

Where To Buy Magic Mushroom Spores In Canada

Compared to fully-grown magic mushrooms, magic mushroom spores are much easier to find. Since the spores of shrooms don’t technically contain any psilocybin, they’re legal to buy in many parts of the world. As such, you can find many places to buy magic mushroom spores in Canada, and even outside of the country.

Although you might find magic mushroom spores in some local head shops, it’s usually best to get them online. Some online retailers focus on providing high-quality magic mushroom spores around the world. That way, you can browse a wide range of spores and choose the ideal strain for you.

Usually, magic mushroom spores are sold in syringes or vials, making it easy to inject them into your substrates. The capacity of these can vary, but you’ll usually get around 10cc of spore solution in each one. Since you only need to inject each jar of your substrate with ¼ cc of your spore solution, you can get many batches of shrooms even with a single vial.

Is Buying Magic Mushroom Spores Worth It?

Buying magic mushroom spores is a must if you’re planning to grow magic mushrooms at home. What’s more, magic mushroom spores usually aren’t too expensive. Vials of spore solutions are usually cheap and, since you only need to use a small amount in each substrate jar you use, it’s often a cost-effective purchase.

With that said, you’ll also need a lot of other equipment to grow shrooms successfully. Along with a vial of magic mushroom spores, you’ll need a good substrate for them to grow. You’ll also need jars, an incubator, a fruiting chamber, a suitable space for them to grow, and various other items. Because of this, growing magic mushrooms isn’t worth it for everyone.

Although it can be rewarding, growing shrooms at home can be a grueling process. Because of this, many users choose to avoid the process altogether. Luckily, you can now buy magic mushrooms online in Canada quickly and easily from a trusted online magic mushroom dispensary.

Along with a wide selection of magic mushroom strains, you can also find convenient magic mushroom capsules and magic mushroom edibles. These products are available in many types and dosages, making it easy to get the ideal psilocybin experience for your needs. You can even buy shroom kits to try a range of products.

Is Buying Magic Mushroom Spores Worth It


Magic mushroom spores are the organisms you use to grow magic mushrooms at home. They usually come in vials and are then injected into some kind of substrate using a syringe. Since magic mushroom spores aren’t commonly found in stores, people usually buy them from online retailers that specialize in shroom spores.

With that said, buying magic mushroom spores isn’t essential. You can avoid the cost and also avoid the entire growing process by simply buying magic mushrooms online. You can find various strains of magic mushrooms along with psilocybin edibles, capsules, and more at Magic Mushrooms Dispensary.

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Five Tips on How to Have a Smooth Psychedelic Trip

Tripping on shrooms has become prevalent in modern culture for a myriad of reasons. The trip is known to foster enlightenment, spiritual awakening, mental clarity, and new perspectives. This experience can either be seamless or negative, depending on several factors. This piece covers five tips on how to have a smooth psychedelic trip. Let’s dive in…

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Be Prepared

Before embarking on the psychedelic trip, one must conduct thorough research on shrooms, the experience itself, and what is required. For example, a consumer needs to have a purpose for the experience; is it for spiritual, religious, personal development, or recreational purposes. 

One needs to know beforehand the range of physical and psychological effects that you may experience. It will be easier to roll with whatever comes your way and detect when things are not okay with this knowledge. Know the duration of the trip, the safest place to trip, and what actions to take when you experience a bad trip. 

Buy Psychedelics From a Trusted Source.

The psychedelic market is flooded with substandard products and working with a store that you can trust to deliver top-notch, safe products is paramount. Magic Mushroom Dispensary is a reputable online shop that sells an expansive variety of shrooms across Canada. 

Additionally, do not mix psilocybin with other drugs like alcohol or marijuana, especially if you are a novice consumer. This might lead to a bad trip that ends up with you in a hospital or lead to poor, regrettable choices resulting from lowered inhibitions. 

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Set and Setting

Be in the right frame of mind. Let go of any expectations you might have and let the experience control you rather than the other way round. Choose a safe, familiar environment that you can trip comfortably. If you plan to have a shared experience with friends, ensure they are people you can rely on in any situation. Additionally, having a sitter around helps keep things in check and assures you that you are in safe hands throughout the psychedelic trip. 

Do Not Take Psychedelics if You Have an Underlying Mental Condition.

Anyone with a mental condition or is from a family with a history of the same should avoid psychedelics completely. Drugs like psilocybin, LSD, MDMA have been known to trigger the symptoms of mental conditions, such as psychosis and bipolar disease. 

Stay Within Reasonable Consumption Limits.

One of the leading causes of a bad psychedelic trip is taking an excess dose of magic mushrooms. Consumers of psychedelics, especially novice ones, should avoid taking a megadose as it can lead to adverse effects like paranoia, excessive sweating, panic, increased blood pressure, and elevated heart rate. 

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Buying Magic Mushrooms in Canada

For top-of-the-line shrooms, turn to Magic Mushrooms Dispensary. we offer a wide variety of the highest quality shroom products in Canada including dried shrooms, edibles, capsules and more! We are the leading online store in Canada, offering competitive prices and numerous deals to our valued clients. Join our VIP email list and enjoy 20% off your first order. Sign up today and experience unmatched customer service and the lowest shipping fees in the country. 

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What is a Trip Sitter and What Role do They Play During a Psychedelic Trip?

What is a Trip Sitter 

The psychedelic culture is filled with various practices that might confuse a novice consumer. If you are new, you have probably heard about trip sitting, among other terms. A trip sitter refers to an individual who helps a person taking psychedelics, such as magic mushrooms and LSD, navigate through the experience. Such drugs are known to cause negative effects when taken under the wrong set and setting. A tripper acts as the barrier between a seamless experience and a full-blown negative one.

A sitter needs to be fully aware of the substance being consumed, but they do not necessarily need to have consumed it before. They need to know the dosage taken, expected effects, how long the trip will last, and signs that indicate things are not going as they should. This makes it easy for them to answer questions that the tripper might have during the trip. Additionally, knowing the drug and its effects places them in a better position to assure the tripper that everything will be okay. 

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What Role Does a Trip Sitter Play During a Psychedelic Trip? 

Before the trip

Key factors to consider for a successful trip are the set and setting. A trip sitter needs to ensure that the tripper is in the correct state of mind – no stress, worries, expectations, or fears. They assure the tripper that they will be there for them throughout and to let go as opposed to controlling the experience. The sitter selects an environment that the tripper considers safe and familiar. They select the music, light settings, and temperature to match the needs of the tripper. This helps the tripper minimize the fear and makes them more open to the experience. 

This is the ideal time to set the ground rules on what is allowed during the trip and what is not. The sitter also discusses the steps to be taken in case of emergencies. As for the tripper, they can let the sitter know what they require from them during the trip; do they want an interactive session where guidance is offered or a quite time to experience the magic mushrooms or other drugs. 

During the trip

As agreed before the trip, a sitter will either help with meditation and visualizations or let the tripper experience the shrooms independently. The presence of a trusted sitter is enough to facilitate a seamless experience. It also helps the tripper be comfortable enough to explore the shrooms’ effects further. The sitter ensures that the tripper remains hydrated, answers any questions, and assures them in case of any arising concern or fear. 

In the case of a bad trip, the sitter will help steer the fear away to avoid escalating the situation. They need to know what they can handle and what situation needs intervention from medical practitioners. Experiencing a bad trip is rare unless one takes a higher dosage than the body can handle or if you take the shroom under the wrong set or setting. A good trip is a powerful, life-changing experience that can help a tripper attain new insights or alter their belief system. 

After the trip

A sitter’s role may extend after the trip by helping the tripper integrate or understand what happened during the trip. This may happen immediately after the trip or later on.

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Buying magic mushrooms in Canada

Magic Mushrooms Dispensary is the one-stop shop for all your shroom needs in Canada, we offer a wide variety of the highest quality shroom products in Canada including dried shrooms, edibles, capsules and more! We offer top-notch products at affordable prices. Our website is easy to navigate and designed to make the ordering process seamless. We pride ourselves in providing our customers with friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful customer support and we also provide free shipping for all orders that are over $99.00 in value. Register today and get started with one of our starter shroom kits.

What Magic Mushrooms Do to Your Body And Brain

Here’s What Magic Mushrooms Do to Your Body And Brain

Whether you’re looking for a mind-bending psychedelic trip, a spiritual experience, or even an alternative way to ward off depression and anxiety, you might want to try magic mushrooms. Also known as psychedelic mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, or even just “shrooms”, these fascinating fungi are known for their psychoactive properties.

However, if you’re planning on embarking on a magic mushroom trip, it’s important to know what magic mushrooms do to your body and brain. The psychoactive chemicals inside these mushrooms can cause all kinds of physical and mental changes, so you should know exactly what to expect before you take them.

Fortunately, magic mushrooms can be incredibly positive as long as you use them responsibly. Although taking too much can result in a bad trip, taking a low to moderate amount can heighten your mood and senses and even open new pathways in your mind, leading to a surge in creativity and open-mindedness. Some people even microdose shrooms for mild beneficial effects.

Whichever way, informing yourself about the physical and mental effects of these fascinating products is important for any user. Here’s what magic mushrooms do to your body and brain.

What Are Magic Mushrooms?

If you’re not familiar with the incredible effects of magic mushrooms, you might wonder what exactly they are and how they differ from other types of mushrooms. The term “magic mushrooms” doesn’t refer to a single species of mushroom, but rather a range of mushrooms that contain psychotropic chemicals such as psilocybin and psilocin.

Magic mushrooms are named as such because, when consumed, they can induce effects that feel psychedelic and even magical to some users. The usage of magic mushrooms spans many generations, and they’ve historically been used for a variety of spiritual, medicinal, and recreational purposes.

Similar to marijuana, there are many strains of magic mushrooms, with popular examples including Blue Meanies, Golden Teachers, Arenal Volcano, and Penis Envy. All of these mushrooms are packed with psychoactive chemicals and can induce a powerful and long-lasting trip when taken.

When humans eat magic mushrooms, the psilocybin is converted into psilocin – an active form of the chemical that induces a range of physical and mental changes. Many shrooms also contain other psychoactive chemicals that contribute to the effects you experience. You can also experience the effects of magic mushrooms by taking shroom capsules or edibles that have been infused with magic mushroom extracts.

What Magic Mushrooms Do To Your Brain

What Magic Mushrooms Do To Your Brain

After consuming magic mushrooms, the psychoactive chemicals inside will interact with your body, causing a variety of powerful physical and mental effects. Although these are largely temporary, it helps to know what to expect so that you don’t panic once you undergo a magic mushroom trip.

The effects of magic mushrooms on the brain are particularly noticeable, especially as shrooms can create stronger connections between different regions of your brain. Even small doses of magic mushrooms can enhance your senses – making everything from colors to sounds seem more vivid and interesting. You’ll also experience changes in your mood and behavior – most users feel euphoric, giggly, and joyful.

Higher doses of magic mushrooms can induce even stronger mental effects. If you take a moderate or high dose of shrooms, you’ll likely experience visual and auditory hallucinations along with the usual changes in your mood and senses. You’ll also experience changes in your perception – you may lose perception of time or even lose your sense of self and suffer an “ego death”.

Some users may experience a bad trip if they take a large dose of magic mushrooms. This can cause anxiety and panic and may also cause scary or disturbing hallucinations. However, many people find that a magic mushroom trip has beneficial mental effects. For instance, studies suggest shrooms can decrease anxiety, enhance creativity, and even induce spiritual experiences and personal breakthroughs.

What Magic Mushrooms Do To Your Body

Although magic mushrooms are largely known for their mental effects, they can still cause noticeable physical effects. Physical side effects are especially common in users who take large doses of magic mushrooms. However, even small doses can induce subtle yet noticeable physical side effects.

Many users will experience minor physical effects such as dry mouth, sweating, and dilated pupils. You might also notice fluctuations in your body temperature. These effects are generally mild and nothing to worry about, especially as most users will be too occupied with the mental effects of shrooms.

High doses can cause stronger physical effects. For instance, if you take a large dose of magic mushrooms, you might experience nausea, heavy sweating, vomiting, chills, and numbness. Some users also experience a lack of physical coordination when they’re tripping. These effects generally wear off as your trip wears off.

Magic mushrooms can also increase your heart rate and blood pressure. Although most users won’t need to worry about these effects, those with serious heart conditions may want to avoid magic mushrooms. It helps to stay hydrated throughout your magic mushroom trip and you might also want to eat a few hours before taking magic mushrooms to avoid feeling too dizzy or lightheaded.

What Magic Mushrooms Do To Your Body

How Long Do Magic Mushrooms Take To Kick In?

Although magic mushrooms will have powerful effects on your body and brain, it’ll be a while before you experience these effects. When you consume magic mushrooms, your body needs time to digest and process the psychoactive chemicals inside. As such, you shouldn’t expect to experience a magic mushroom trip instantly.

Generally, it takes between 20 to 40 minutes after consumption for the effects of magic mushrooms to kick in. With that said, some users need to wait for anywhere up to 2 hours. The time it takes depends on numerous factors, including how you take magic mushrooms and the speed of your metabolism.

Some methods can help you speed up the onset of effects. For instance, soaking magic mushrooms in lemon juice before taking them can make the effects kick in much faster as citric acid helps convert psilocybin into psilocin. This method is known as lemon tekking. Some users also brew magic mushrooms into tea with lemon juice.

It’s important to be patient and not to try and increase your magic mushroom dosage while you’re waiting for the effects to kick in. Taking too much can result in a bad trip with unpleasant physical and mental effects. Fortunately, although the effects take a while to kick in, they also last for a very long time.

How Long Do The Effects Of Magic Mushrooms Last?

The effects of psilocin are particularly powerful and they can also last for a very long time. Once the effects of magic mushrooms kick in, you’ll be tripping for a while. Generally, a magic mushroom trip lasts for anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. However, some users may experience subtle effects for 12 hours or even longer.

Since the effects of magic mushrooms last for such a long time, it’s important to manage your dosage carefully and avoid taking too much – especially during your first time. If you’ve taken enough for a full psychedelic trip, you may also experience time distortion, meaning that your trip might seem longer or shorter than it is.

Naturally, it’s not a good idea to take a strong dose of shrooms if you have plans for the day. Since the effects last for many hours, you’ll want to set aside time if you’re planning on taking magic mushrooms. It also helps to have a friend with you – they can watch over you and make sure your trip goes well.

Some users avoid the overwhelming effects of a magic mushroom trip by microdosing magic mushrooms. This involves taking a small dose – usually lower than 1 gram – to avoid an overpowering trip. A microdose of magic mushrooms can enhance your mood, creativity, and senses yet you can remain focused and alert.

How Long Do The Effects Of Magic Mushrooms Last

What Dosage Of Magic Mushrooms Should You Take?

The best magic mushroom dosage depends on various factors, including your tolerance and what kind of experience you’re looking for. First-time users should start with a small dose before trying to take larger doses. Here’s a quick guide to magic mushroom dosages.

0.2 to 0.7 grams – Users who want to avoid the intense effects of a full psychedelic trip may want to stick to microdosing. This involves taking a small dose of magic mushrooms – around 0.2 to 0.7 grams – to boost your creativity, focus, and happiness while allowing you to remain alert and functional.

0.8 to 1 gram – If you’re looking for slightly stronger effects, you might want to take up to 1 gram. This dosage range allows users to experience some of the mild effects of psilocybin without embarking on an intense psychedelic trip. It’ll significantly enhance your senses and mood but won’t make you hallucinate.

1.1 to 2 grams – Taking up to 2 grams will induce a much stronger euphoric high. You’ll also experience much stronger enhancements in your mood and senses, leading many to compare this dosage range to a marijuana high. You might experience subtle hallucinations such as patterns or dots in your vision.

2 to 3.5 grams – Taking over 2 grams will lead to a much stronger trip. Taking 3.5 grams is recommended for users who want a classic psychedelic trip, but slightly lower doses may still do the trick. At this range, you’ll experience visual and auditory hallucinations and changes in your perception of time and reality.

Taking over 3.5 grams is generally only recommended for seasoned psychonauts. The best approach for most users is to take between 1 to 2 grams for their first experience and gradually increase their dosage to 3.5 grams if they want a full psychedelic trip. Users who prefer the subtle yet enjoyable benefits of psilocybin may prefer microdosing instead.

How To Take Magic Mushrooms

There are various effective ways to experience the effects of magic mushrooms. While many users simply eat dried magic mushrooms by themselves, you can also try out a range of magic mushroom-infused products or even make magic mushroom tea. Here are some of the best ways to take magic mushrooms.

Eating Magic Mushrooms – Arguably the easiest way to get the effects of shrooms is to simply eat dried magic mushrooms. You can measure your dosage by chopping your shrooms into small pieces and weighing them before eating your desired portion. However, many users prefer other methods as eating dried shrooms can leave a bitter taste in your mouth.

Magic Mushroom Tea – Many users enhance their magic mushroom experiences by brewing their favorite strains of shrooms into tea. You can combine magic mushrooms with whatever kind of tea and flavorings you like for a more enjoyable way to take them. You can also buy magic mushroom tea bags for extra convenience.

Magic Mushroom Capsules – Magic mushroom capsules contain a fixed dosage of magic mushroom extract in each serving. Not only does this make it easier to manage your dosage, but they’re also very easy to take. There’s no preparation with magic mushroom caps, simply swallow as many capsules as you need and wash them down with water.

Magic Mushroom Edibles – Similar to capsules, magic mushroom edibles provide an easy and convenient way to get the effects of magic mushrooms. The only difference is that they come in various delicious forms such as chocolates, gummies, and even shroom-infused drinks. If you’re looking for an enjoyable way to get the effects of magic mushrooms, shroom edibles are always a great choice.

How To Take Magic Mushrooms


Whether you’re looking to decrease your anxiety, enhance your creativity, expand your thoughts, or even hallucinate, magic mushrooms can have all kinds of fascinating effects on your body and brain. Although taking too much can lead to a bad trip, magic mushrooms can lead to incredibly positive experiences as long as they’re used responsibly.

Users now have more choices than ever when it comes to taking magic mushrooms. You might want to simply eat dried magic mushrooms or even take shroom-infused products such as capsules, gummies, chocolates, or magic mushroom tea. You can find all of these products online at Magic Mushrooms Dispensary.

How to Make Magic Mushroom Tea and Get More Out of It

How to Make Magic Mushroom Tea and Get More Out of It

As long as you know how to control your dosage and what kind of effects to expect, taking magic mushrooms is easy enough for anyone. The easiest way to take shrooms is by eating a portion of dried magic mushrooms and waiting for the effects to kick in. However, if you want to get the most out of your magic mushrooms, you should learn how to make magic mushroom tea.

Making magic mushroom tea has plenty of advantages. Not only does shroom tea offer a much more pleasant experience than eating dried shrooms, but you can enhance it using whatever kind of tea and flavorings you enjoy. You can even speed up the onset of effects by adding lemon juice. Here’s a guide on how to make magic mushroom tea and get more out of it.

Benefits Of Magic Mushroom Tea

Magic mushroom tea offers all the same effects and benefits you’d get from eating magic mushrooms or taking other shroom-infused products. For instance, a large dose can heighten your senses, improve your mood, and even give you spiritual and mind-expanding experiences. Even a small dose can heighten your mood, senses, and creativity.

With that said, making magic mushroom tea has a few advantages over eating dried magic mushrooms. For one, the experience is much more pleasant. Eating dried shrooms often leaves you with a bitter, unpleasant taste in your mouth. Magic mushroom tea is much more pleasing to your taste buds and much more refreshing to consume.

You can also enhance the effects of your magic mushroom tea by adding lemon juice. Not only can it improve the flavor, but the citric acid in lemon juice converts psilocybin to psilocin faster. As such, adding lemon juice to your shroom tea will make the effects of your magic mushrooms hit you faster and give you a shorter yet more intense trip.

What Do I Need To Make Magic Mushroom Tea?

You don’t need to be a specialist to make magic mushroom tea. If you’ve ever made a regular cup of tea before, this will be a walk in the park – the only difference is that you’ll also be brewing magic mushrooms in your tea. That way, the effects of the shrooms will be infused into your tea, making for a refreshing psychedelic beverage.

Naturally, you’ll need the regular ingredients and equipment you’d use to make tea. That includes a saucepan, tea bags (or a loose-leaf tea infuser with your tea of choice), a saucepan or kettle, a strainer, and at least two tea cups or mugs for your shroom tea. You might also want to get flavorings such as honey, ginger, and lemon.

You’ll also need to buy magic mushrooms. You can use any strain of magic mushrooms in your tea, so choose whichever sounds best to you. Fortunately, when you buy online, you can browse detailed product descriptions to make the right choice. You’ll need at least 3.5 grams to make your magic mushroom tea, but you might want to buy a higher quantity so you have more to use in the future.

How To Make Magic Mushroom Tea

How To Make Magic Mushroom Tea

Once you have your ingredients, making magic mushroom tea will only take around 10 to 15 minutes. This recipe uses 3.5 grams of magic mushrooms and can easily give you two cups of potent shroom tea – but you might want to start with a lower dose such as 1 or 2 grams if you want milder effects. Here are step-by-step instructions for making shroom tea.

Ingredients & Equipment:

3.5 grams of dried shrooms

1 cup of water

A tea bag

2 teacups or mugs

A saucepan or kettle

A strainer

A teaspoon

Optional: Flavorings (e.g. honey, ginger, lemon)

Step 1: Boil a cup of water in a saucepan or kettle until it’s hot. While you’re waiting, use a knife to chop your portion of magic mushrooms into small pieces and place them in one of your cups or mugs.

Step 2: After boiling your water, allow it to cool for a minute before adding it to your cup or mug with your magic mushrooms. Allow the shrooms to steep in the hot water for at least 10 minutes. During this time, you can also infuse the cup with your choice of tea.

Step 3: Once at least 10 minutes have passed, your tea will be infused with the effects of your magic mushrooms. You can then strain the tea into another cup using your strainer to separate it from your shrooms. You can also add flavorings to your new cup if you wish.

Step 4: If you want, you can now make another cup of magic mushroom tea using the leftover shrooms in your first cup. Simply add more hot water and tea and allow it to steep again. The second cup won’t be as potent as the first, but this way you can get the most out of your shrooms.

Where To Buy Magic Mushrooms

Before you can make magic mushroom tea, you’ll need to get your hands on some high-quality magic mushrooms. Luckily, consumers in Canada can now buy magic mushrooms online quickly and easily from Magic Mushrooms Dispensary. All orders are sent privately and discreetly so you don’t need to worry about running into any problems.

Buying shrooms online isn’t just safer, but it also gives you the freedom to choose between tons of top-notch magic mushroom strains. Whether you want to use Golden Teachers, Blue Meanie, Amazonian, or another strain, there are plenty of options for you.

You can also try other types of magic mushroom products. For instance, those who want a convenient and enjoyable way to get the effects of shrooms can try magic mushroom edibles or magic mushroom capsules. You can also choose between a range of macrodose and microdose products depending on what kind of experience you’re looking for.

Where To Buy Magic Mushrooms


Making magic mushroom tea is an excellent way to enhance your shroom experience and avoid the bitter taste of eating dried magic mushrooms. It’s quick and easy and you can even enhance your tea with various flavorings to make the experience more enjoyable.

Whether you’re looking for dried magic mushrooms, magic mushroom capsules, magic mushroom edibles, or even helpful shroom tea blends, you can find everything you need online at Magic Mushrooms Dispensary.